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Since iPad, I now use my computer ____________.

I use my pc's daily for work.

But for personal stuff? I'm using my iPad about 85% of the time and my pc 15%. That 15% is usually when I'm paying online bills and checking my bank details. Not because it's any safer, but because it's just purely quicker and easier on a pc when I want to quickly copy/cut and paste passwords and log in details.
I use my pc's daily for work.

But for personal stuff? I'm using my iPad about 85% of the time and my pc 15%. That 15% is usually when I'm paying online bills and checking my bank details. Not because it's any safer, but because it's just purely quicker and easier on a pc when I want to quickly copy/cut and paste passwords and log in details.

Yea, some things like this just work much better on a PC.

Heck, the online banking site we use where I work doesn't work at all on any iPad. I don't really care as I don't take iPad to work (95% of the apps we use where I work are not MAC compatible at all)
dabears said:
MBP + iPad + iPhone = Is like the father, son and holy spirit. In a sense and please no judgement against me. :).

Certainly there is completeness is THREE, interesting thought, but does that make Steve Jobs the creator? Well, he is of Apple anyway. Better not take this one further :)
Online sites that need flash - mostly tv shows for Canada -iSwifter is still too slow.

Photoshop, Premiere, raw file conversion, and there's still no good way of managing terabytes of data from an iPad.
My Mac Mini (mid 2010) is attached to my 55" LED TV and I use logmein from my iPad only when need to. Otherwise my iPad 2 is my main computer.
iPad=InterestingCompanionPad, my Mac is a interestingcompanioninlifemac.

Sent from my interestingcompanionPad using iPF!
I have a number of computer and the iPad is a toy. I cannot go to Dave Ramsey Show on the iPad. I cannot go to Yoville on the iPad. I cannot use Microsoft Money on the iPad. And those are the three things that I use the most.

The Safari web browser purely sucks as opposed to a real web browser.

The iPad is a classy toy but nobody should call it a computer. It is not a computer and it is not even close to being a computer. It is miles and miles away from being a computer. It is a computer accessory at best.
RickyBobby said:
I have a number of computer and the iPad is a toy. I cannot go to Dave Ramsey Show on the iPad. I cannot go to Yoville on the iPad. I cannot use Microsoft Money on the iPad. And those are the three things that I use the most.

The Safari web browser purely sucks as opposed to a real web browser.

The iPad is a classy toy but nobody should call it a computer. It is not a computer and it is not even close to being a computer. It is miles and miles away from being a computer. It is a computer accessory at best.

If apple would open it up it is more capable than some net books. But for now, you are right. If you need power, you need a computer.
I use my laptop every day, because still a lot I cant do on ipad, but I will always have both, I need my laptop, it is just easier sometimes to use ipad for the simple things because it is so small and much lighter.
I still use my laptop pretty often...

For putting music into iTunes, so I can transfer music to my iPod

Uploading photos

Flash sites

And for times when i do not feel like using a touch screen device

And for many other reasons that I can't think of right now on the top of my head

Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
Still use both my desktop (Mac mini) and iPad about the same. Use the desktop to sync daily. I do a lot of quick e-mails in the morning before work, check the weather on one of the widgets on the desktop. iPad has a totally different use for me. At night when I am chilling in bed reading, want to look up something quickly, things like that, it can't be beat. But I need my desktop for the software updates and like it for the app updates-I sometimes do them through Wifi alone, but I prefer to do them via sync. Since I also have an iPhone, I am used to this.
I have found a way to interface a real computer with the iPad2. I use the real computer to get to YouTube and the pop music videos. Then I use RealPlayer to download the videos. Then I rename them with the artist name first and the song name second and I convert them to the iPod format. Finally I synch them to the iPad2. Works like a charm.

For serious stuff that matters I use a real computer exclusively.
Work. At the end of the work day the computer is turned off and it's not turned on again until I'm ready to login again the next work day.

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