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Since update to IOS7.0.4 will not find airprinter

Just the name and model of the internet box your using to get your wifi. That is if you only use one. It should be written right on the box there somewhere.
I have an HP Officejet Pro 8600 and HP Photosmart 5510, both of which are supposed to be AirPrint capable, and both worked when I first got them but have stopped working All I get is No AirPrint printers found". I believe they both stopped before ISO7.

Hi EasyEd - welcome to the forum! :) If not already done, I would (and have done myself) first suggest that you 'Reset' the iPad and 'power recycle' your router, modem, and printers (i.e. pull the power cords and/or turn off the power switches) - won't hurt and is quick - good luck and let us know your results. Dave
If read from the beginning that the first thing I did. As of this weekend I have done another factory reset on the ipad the router the printer & all other devices from the network work, switch off all othe electrical appliances so their can be no interference & still no joy, tonight I am taking the printer to a friends we will set up on his network & see if it works then. I think already know the answer, I hope I am wrong but I am still convinced it is down to the latest iOS update.
MY immediate thought is the router as iOS 7 has not impacted or caused issues with AirPrint. In saying that the core item that handles AirPrint other than the printer is the modem router or router . It is a good idea to test it at a friends house and we look forward to the results.
Is your wireless working correctly can you see your network
I just put a thread up about the new ver 7.04 friying the wireless network chip in iphone 4s on some batches this may be your problem
Hi Qdriver DSL3680 broadband wireless N1 50 ADSL 2+ router . D-Link this is the info of the router.

Hey Shakeyblade. I did some checking on your stuff while I'm trying to find my own solution. The biggest conclusion I'm starting to come to is that the issue may be in the modem or router that doesn't support Apple Bonjour or AirPrint. In my searches I've found many threads and discussions from similar people using the D-link DSL3680. I've noticed this separate thread from another source down below. If ya like maybe have a look and see what ya think. You never know.


Thanks for the info, unfortunately the router as the latest firm ware, & the air print still does not work. This is really frustrating.
I hear ya buddy. I'm right there with ya. I was talking to a few people today who were going on about how some routers won't support Apple's Bonjour protocol. Some were saying too that there could be some hidden settings inside a superadmin login. With the stuff I did notice from seemingly many having similar issues on your specific router model I would still probably chase some of those angles down a bit. If you haven't already.
I find it hard to believe that the router is the issue as the air print function word 100% fine up until I did the iOS.7.0.4 update. It is only since the update that it hasn't work. But I will try anything at the moment. As I said in a previous post I'm going set the printer up on a friends net work & see if the AirPrint function works, if it works then at least I know it is something to do with the router or my network.
Absolutely. I'm not 100% convinced as well that it is just a modem issue. I did notice some strange things happening after my last IOS update. I also received a message from my modem's manufacturer that the box does support bonjour by default. Unlike yourself however my AirPrint was working ok before I swapped boxes under IOS 7.0.4. I'm not sure how to approach this with such a lack of information and help from THE major groups including Apple, Rogers, and Hitron, and frustrating does not describe my feelings enough on this.
Usually when this happens you have to go to the HP printer website and get new drivers for whatever new operating system you have. In this case, it would be for your IOS 7.04.
I find it hard to believe that the router is the issue as the air print function word 100% fine up until I did the iOS.7.0.4 update. It is only since the update that it hasn't work. But I will try anything at the moment. As I said in a previous post I'm going set the printer up on a friends net work & see if the AirPrint function works, if it works then at least I know it is something to do with the router or my network.

Hey Shakeyblade, did you happen to try your printer at your buddies network yet by chance? Kinda curious how it went. Still nothing on my end of things.
You'll like. The printer has now died & gone off to HP for repair but have been told by the retailer that I will get a new one. So for time bean I have printer. I'm hope that the breakdown my have something to do with why the AirPrint wasn't working.
It's just been confirmed in my case by Hitron that my home gateway is indeed the cause of the issue. Apparently it's certain settings relating to the box's multicast features that can only be changed inside an administrative login which obviously I can't do. Hitron got back to me today stating that changing these settings will affect and degrade the media performance capability of the router. Instead they will release a software patch..when of course they will not say

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