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Skitch for the iPad arrives, and it's good.

Of course I am. ;)

I thought of it when thinking of really complicated instructions and the five attachment limit per post. Then it occurred to me that you could put together the next best thing to a video; with insets, arrows, and stuff. Of course you could do that with Pages or Keynote alone, but their tools aren't quite as easy to use.

I was thinking in terms of showing how to piece together a complicated formula in Numbers. I've described it before, but it really would be better shown.

In the end, it would be a bit of work, and so unless I'm feeling exceptionally motivated, I doubt I'll ever to it.
twerppoet said:
I forgot that email only offers the image size options if you send attachments over a certain size. I'm not absolutely certain, but I think it is over 350MB. Just had one with 380MB that offered the size options, but not all screen shots are large enough to trigger the option (though they may be after annotation) and I don't know of any way to force it, except to send multiple photos. You could do that by saving a few Skitched pictures to the Photo app, and mailing them all at once.

Anyway, I did a little more playing around, and these are the sizes of the various email options. I only tested screen shots, but I'm pretty sure the other methods will have the same or smaller actual size. All measurements are pixels at 72 dpi.

Small = 320 x 240
Medium = 640 x 480
Large = 1280 x 960
Actual = 1355 x 1024

Since you welcomed me as newbie & suggested I read rules (always good prior to breaking them) so I followed your lead, read signature rules but just says limit of 5 lines which is latitude galore. If you were suggesting size by these sizing designations, what would your guess be for what caught my eye?
My earlier attempts at addressing this in privacy failed several times so I moved on. I'm hoping to find something while still needing to spend large time sequences in forums and at rate I'm getting my 2 pet thorns-in-side resolved, I'll be here for years.
I cannot solve either of two - Java disabled (in settings Java is enabled so something else) & Flash issue, which baffles me totally as I never spent a minute thinking about Flash and Apple is supposed to be so problem-free so now I'm frustrated and browser reviews are less than stellar. I tried several times to send you message directly but after several tries only to each time, find 'send' button grayed out, I lost patience and this is more than I tried to cover earlier by far.
Been up all night yet again. This iPad2 is bad habit! Thanks and Bye, S
twerppoet said:
I forgot that email only offers the image size options if you send attachments over a certain size. I'm not absolutely certain, but I think it is over 350MB. Just had one with 380MB that offered the size options, but not all screen shots are large enough to trigger the option (though they may be after annotation) and I don't know of any way to force it, except to send multiple photos. You could do that by saving a few Skitched pictures to the Photo app, and mailing them all at once.

Anyway, I did a little more playing around, and these are the sizes of the various email options. I only tested screen shots, but I'm pretty sure the other methods will have the same or smaller actual size. All measurements are pixels at 72 dpi.

Small = 320 x 240
Medium = 640 x 480
Large = 1280 x 960
Actual = 1355 x 1024

Need to follow this but my message disappeared and will have trouble finding this again. Sun is coming! Oh no! Not that! Must quick sleep-talk about silly. Bye, S
211ssw said:
Since you welcomed me as newbie & suggested I read rules (always good prior to breaking them) so I followed your lead, read signature rules but just says limit of 5 lines which is latitude galore. If you were suggesting size by these sizing designations, what would your guess be for what caught my eye?
My earlier attempts at addressing this in privacy failed several times so I moved on. I'm hoping to find something while still needing to spend large time sequences in forums and at rate I'm getting my 2 pet thorns-in-side resolved, I'll be here for years.
I cannot solve either of two - Java disabled (in settings Java is enabled so something else) & Flash issue, which baffles me totally as I never spent a minute thinking about Flash and Apple is supposed to be so problem-free so now I'm frustrated and browser reviews are less than stellar. I tried several times to send you message directly but after several tries only to each time, find 'send' button grayed out, I lost patience and this is more than I tried to cover earlier by far.
Been up all night yet again. This iPad2 is bad habit! Thanks and Bye, S

Regarding Flash we have a very informative post here regarding it http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-faq/54703-flash-ipad.html

As for this thread, well it's about Skitch so let's get back on topic.

The Archangel
. . . My earlier attempts at addressing this in privacy failed several times so I moved on. . .

I got your private messages and answered them best I could. It would be better for you to ask them in public, so you get a better range of responses, and other's can learn too.

And, as Gabriel said, this is off topic for the thread, so I'm not going to try and address anything more here.
Slightly more on topic.

I got the Mac version of Skitch yesterday and started playing with it. I don't like it as well as the iPad version, but I think it will be useful.
twerppoet said:
Slightly more on topic.

I got the Mac version of Skitch yesterday and started playing with it. I don't like it as well as the iPad version, but I think it will be useful.

I've got Skitch on my Mac and I don't think I've used it......it just seems perfect on the iPad.

The Archangel
I've got Skitch on my Mac and I don't think I've used it......it just seems perfect on the iPad.

The Archangel

I've used it once since I posted. It's easier to use than the combination of Grab and Preview; my old solution. I don't expect to use it often, but every once in a while I need a shot of iTunes or, in the last case, icloud.com.

There are probably better screen shot tools out there, but this works and it's free. I haven't decided what to do with the Skitch site, if anything.
Just want to make certain I don't lose track of this-assuming that I eventually decide on some random decision and want to be able to find the parameters.
By reading over some of my own typing, I will certainly be open-minded regarding sentence structure used by others. Wow, I've found some awful gaffs in tense especially-not that I would feel comfortable speaking those very words but my typing is substantially slower than my mind speaks and, well, it shows in terrible ways. Something needs to improve and, well, would I really recommend my mind slow just to avoid typing practice? Guess I'll find out. To readers, I apologize but hopefully, you are having some of the issues that I stumble upon as well, I welcome fellow sufferers so come along with me. Bye, S
Does anyone know how to take a picture attached to an email or a picture that's already in Evernote & export it to Skitch for annotation? I am totally stumped on this, although I'm guessing I'm missing something fairly obvious.

megush said:
Does anyone know how to take a picture attached to an email or a picture that's already in Evernote & export it to Skitch for annotation? I am totally stumped on this, although I'm guessing I'm missing something fairly obvious.


In the email touch and hold the photo and choose the save option, then open Skitch and press the top left hand button to open the photo in Skitch.....


The Archangel
Thanks for that, TP, and if the Skitch dev team ever read this, thanks for Skitch. It's been invaluable on this forum.

One of my first posts on iphoneforums involved copying a screenshot from an iPhone to my iPad, Skitcking it, and posting the result. At that time, Skitch wasn't available on the iPhone and the post drew immediate comment as a must have app.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
Thanks for this, Twerppoet. I must admit, the upgrade to the newest version (for the iPad) has kind of made me unhappy. So, although I love that iPhone now has a version, I'm glad the Skitch folk are taking a look at this (even though the article talks more about the Mac version).

Regardless, I'm glad [the proverbial] they are working on a better Skitch.

You're welcome.

The Skitch 2.0 version was/is a mixed blessing for me.

Because I already use Evernote a lot, and a payed account to boot, the integration is a big plus for me. I now have a record of all the more detailed skitchs I make, and they are available on all my devices, and better yet, re-editable on all those devices. I don't bother to save the one-off-highlight-something skitches.

I also like the new obscure/blur/digitize whatever you call it tool. Much nicer than trying to draw a black line or rectangle through stuff.

On the other hand:

The new crop tool (on the iPad and iPhone) is more difficult to use. It's more elegant in appearance, but the old one let you adjust the edges until you had things just the way you want.

They also need to fix the rounded rectangle tool. It's lagginess makes it difficult to use. The rest of the changes I've gotten used to and no longer mind.

On the Mac, the only thing I miss is the timed screen capture. Sometimes I want to capture menus, and you can't do that right now. There was no mention of this in the article, but I can hope.

I use the Mac version more often than I originally thought I would, especially since I can now re-edit iPad skitches on the Mac; so that version has become more important to me than I though it would.

As Kevin said, if the developers stumble across this, I love your tool, and I look forward to it getting even better.
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