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Skyfire help!


iPF Noob
Please help! I just bought skyfire for my iPad and have been working for an hour trying to get it to work. It should work on syfy.com and abcfamily.com right? Because it does but the on,y video it detects is the short ad that shows before the actual show. What am I doing wrong???? Please help me :( this is not what I paid for.
Puffin and iSwifter have been reported to work better, but no Flash browser on iOS works well. They all use a remote server, and are unpredictable in if/when they will work.

In the end, it is better to find sites/apps that bypass Flash altogether.

The app ABC Player will get you some of the ABC.com shows.

There are several threads on streaming video content sites like Hulu, Netflix, etc. A search for them may net you some nice options for watching your shows and movies.

P.S. If you contact Apple's iTunes support and request a refund, they are typically happy to do so. Wait for your receipt to arrive so that you have a reference number.
No problem. And a late welcome to the forum. Stick around, there's a lot to learn here and some good people to share experience with.
Hi again, your help earlier was great. The whole reason I bought skyfire was to watch full episodes of my favorite shows (which mainly reside on syfy and USA) are there any apps that will let me do this that do not require a monthly fee that you know of? A one time fee is fine. I would just like an app that gives me access to the videos that are on syfy.com that I cannot access because the iPad does jot support flash. I have spent days looking for an app that will do this. It seems simple enough. Thanks in advance!
Afraid I don't know of any app that meets your requirements. I use Hulu Plus, but it has a fee. Besides, what syfy content there is, is still web only.
I have the Puffin browser and just tried the Syfy.com site. I could watch Eureka, full episode, but it was a bit jerky. Other shows were listed.
That is what I just got, it works SO much better than skyfire, and yes the video did work on syfy with it but with my wifi it was very jerky. I'm sure that there are other sites out there that have video that will get along better with puffin, I'll just have to look around. oh, and I love eureka, syfy has the best summer shows!!! :)

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