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Skype Gets Stability and Other Features With 4.0 Update


iPadForums News Team

The Verge writes that Skype has today issued a fulsome update for its iOS app, which brings with it a new stability feature that ensures that the app will reopen automatically if it unexpectedly crashes and closes, saving those vital, and annoying, few seconds when you have to restart the app manually. Other tweaks include the ability to reposition your own video preview during a call, which is something that FaceTime and other similar apps have had for a while. Various UI tweaks have also been included in the update, giving the contact list, messages, and login screen a new look. And in an interesting side note to the release of the update, PC Mag reports that French iOS hacker b0zon has today said that the update automatically detects a jailbroken iPhone, although he did not elaborate on what effect this might have on the phone or the app.

Click here to download the free app: App Store - Skype

Source: Skype 4.0 update for iOS has UI, stability, accessibility improvements | The Verge
Skype Vulnerability Allows IP Snooping | News & Opinion | PCMag.com
Previous version of skype also detects a jailbreak but you just ignore the message and continue and it works just fine. I hope they did not mess with that.

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