Thats illegal and could possably be the reason its not working. Many app developers build in crack detection into their apps and when its detected that you are running a cracked version the app can do any number of things. Remove itself, send all your devices info back to the app creater, install 3rd party app without you knowing, or just give you a warning that it was detected and close the app....There is no "create shortcut"
Are you sure it just didn't get stuck on some random springboard screen by itself?
Also if you go into iTunes and sync it will delete it most likely.
And the Skype app is free, so god knows why you would install a hacked version of a free app.
Maybe I misunderstood Apples iStore but I refuse to register a credit card with them so I can download free apps so I used the Installous version instead. Forgive me if I could have done this an easier way...hence skype is the non iStore downloaded ipa..
and apple doesnt require a credit card to regiater an itunes account. open itunes and try to download a free app, when it asks you to log in tell it you need to create an account. When it asks for your payment method select the option that says NONE.
oh, thanks for this tid bit about "NONE" for credit card, like I said, never dealt with Apple folks before so I am still learning.. Will try and download free apps from the iStore in future. Fin