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Skype is installed but no icon to execute it on desktop? ahmm Help!

There is no "create shortcut"

Are you sure it just didn't get stuck on some random springboard screen by itself?

Also if you go into iTunes and sync it will delete it most likely.

And the Skype app is free, so god knows why you would install a hacked version of a free app.

Maybe I misunderstood Apples iStore but I refuse to register a credit card with them so I can download free apps so I used the Installous version instead. Forgive me if I could have done this an easier way...hence skype is the non iStore downloaded ipa..
Thats illegal and could possably be the reason its not working. Many app developers build in crack detection into their apps and when its detected that you are running a cracked version the app can do any number of things. Remove itself, send all your devices info back to the app creater, install 3rd party app without you knowing, or just give you a warning that it was detected and close the app....

and apple doesnt require a credit card to regiater an itunes account. open itunes and try to download a free app, when it asks you to log in tell it you need to create an account. When it asks for your payment method select the option that says NONE.

oh, thanks for this tid bit about "NONE" for credit card, like I said, never dealt with Apple folks before so I am still learning.. Will try and download free apps from the iStore in future. Fin
I bet the icon is on it's own homescreen somewhere far to the right by itself. Could very well be since the OP didn't know about the swipe to the left, perhaps a swipe to the right might be in order until you can't swipe further so you know if it is just there somewhere.

Never once seen or heard anyone having issues with hacked apps or legal apps with the icon disappearing if they didn't have Categories installed.

Guessing that the problem exists between the user and iPad.

There are 4 screens and no it is not there.
Not understanding your incepted use of the iPad, it sounds as though hacking it as a desktop or notebook is the norm for you.

You SSH with Linux but aren't aware of a simple spotlight feature one screen over??

Sorry but it sounds like being your first Mac/Apple device, you may want to get more familiarized with the ground OS and just how easy it is to use without hacking. Once a person has the basics of operation and iTunes syc down, then I could see hacking outside resources into the daily routine or operations of the iPad. But until then it seems like tossing shredded lettuce at the rabbit and screaming profusely at it EAT EAT!
Try the carrots (app store) they are nice and fresh too. :confused:

This is my first Apple/Mac experience as I said in my first post.

I am a 25 vet of Unix admin so I always start at the internals and work my way back to the skin. It's the way I learn stuff since I was a kid. The fact the thing didn't even come with a hard copy manual is kinda McScrewed too but thats cool, I know how to use google. And yes, I am turning this toy into a full functional computer, thats why I am hacking it and it is coming along nicely. next thing is to get the 3G hooked up with a carrier here in Canada..The plans suck big time $20 for 500 MB, oh well..thanks
You may want to schedual a free introduction to the iPad workshop at your local apple store.

The way I am going I may be able to teach the internals course there in another week of playing..only been 3 days so far...jk..

Anyways, thanks for the pointers..
I'm having an issue with an icon disappearing. I have Craigly "installed" and it shows up in search but there is no icon. I went into iTunes from my PC and unchecked Craigly when syncing my iPad. Then i reinstalled via iTunes on my iPad.

Funny thing is i can watch it download and install and then POOF icon disappears. I do not have Categories installed.

Can someone help me? I'm jailbroken.

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