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Slowing of i-pad2


iPF Noob
It is about a month since I got my ipad.It feels as if it has slowed.I haven't downloaded anything much.Would i-pad slowdown as other computers over a period of time? Anybody noticing it?Thanks.
Have you been restarting it now and then?

Restart: Hold down the power button until the power off slider appears. Slide it off. When the iPad finishes shutting down, hold down the power button again until the Apple logo appears.
It is about a month since I got my ipad.It feels as if it has slowed.I haven't downloaded anything much.Would i-pad slowdown as other computers over a period of time? Anybody noticing it?Thanks.

Good it's not just me, mine seemed like it was slowing down some as well. Mine is restarted periodically too.
Mine has really slowed down in the past week. Taking ages to load any pages on line and loading apps is really difficult now.My P C is soooooo much faster doing the same tasks. I've reverted to using my p c for lots of tasks I'd like to do on my iPad.
Three things seem to put a drag on the iPad: music, photos and videos. The more there are the slower it seems to run. As apps accumulate they can also have an impact on performance. This is even more true if the amount of free space or "head room" is minimal (say <1GB). If you can free up some space and/or cut down on some content or apps you no longer use you may see some improvement.

One easy way to reduce the size of the music library while still keeping all of your songs intact is to check the box "Convert higher bit rate songs to 128 kbps AAC" on the iPad Summary page when you sync to iTunes. Unless you have your iPad connected to a high-end sound system you probably won't notice any difference in sound quality.

Transferring movies to your iPad in a lower resolution (non-HD) format can still produce very watchable content.

Now and then a rogue app can cause issues as well. If you notice a slowdown after installing or updating a particular app try deleting it from your iPad (you can always reinstall it later). Press and hold the app's icon until it starts to jiggle. A black circle with an "X" will appear in the upper left-hand corner. Tap it and confirm you want to delete it. Re-sync in iTune and then see if your iPad returns to normal. If so you could try reinstalling it (re-check the box next to the app on the App page in iTunes). If the slow-down returns you could try deleting it completely from your iTunes library. Find the app under the Apps menu (left-hand side bar of iTunes) and Control-click or right-click and pick "Delete" from the menu or simply click on the "delete" key on your keyboard and confirm the delete. You can then reinstall it by going to your purchases in your iTunes account, finding the app and clicking on the "Install" button (you won't be charged again). If it's still an issue particularly if it happened after an update you can contact the developer. If it happened right after initially installing the app you can click on "Report a problem" on the iTunes purchase page. Apple's policy is "all sales are final" but they are very lenient if you have a reasonable complaint (and haven't taken advantage of their generosity) so you may get a refund.

That said, it's always a good idea to shut down any apps you're not using or planning on using in the near future. Simply double-tap the home button (round button on the face of the iPad) and the screen will slide up to show all of the open apps. Press and hold any app icon and they will all start to jiggle and a red circle with a minus sign will appear on each app icon's upper left-hand corner. Touch the minus sign and the app will close.

Sometimes a reboot will help as well. Press and hold the power button (located on the outside edge of the iPad) until the "Off" slider appears. After shutting down your iPad wait a few moments then press and hold the power button until the Apple logo appears.

Hope that helps and others may have some additional suggestions.
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Hmmm.....my p c on the same network is very speedy. I've only used 10 gb with 49 more available so can't be an issue of room.
nitaboc said:
Hmmm.....my p c on the same network is very speedy. I've only used 10 gb with 49 more available so can't be an issue of room.

Oh yes, I shut down all apps I'm not using as well.
biller007 said:
Form what I've seen most ppl recommend you re boot one a week. I do and mine runs well.

That can apply to Windows/DOS based computers. Unix/Linux/Apple based computers and mobile device's performance won't be enhanced by periodic reboots. No harm, just not necessary.

Those sorts of recommendations generally come from folks unfamiliar with Apple OS's.

FWIW our iPad (64GB 3G) has been running without a reboot for about a year now...also runs fine.
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Well I'm really not enjoying my iPad much anymore. it was a dream when I first got it but waiting for it to load pages has become such a drag. Can't even listed to iTunes music previews. I've tried everything recommended other than resetting it. I plan to take it to the nearest Apple store when I can find the time to drive there (its in another city).
Well I'm really not enjoying my iPad much anymore. it was a dream when I first got it but waiting for it to load pages has become such a drag. Can't even listed to iTunes music previews. I've tried everything recommended other than resetting it. I plan to take it to the nearest Apple store when I can find the time to drive there (its in another city).
If your iPad is working fine otherwise it really sounds like a network issue. Even though your PC may be doing well, (Ethernet or wireless?) it's quite possible the iPad's network connection has become flaky somehow...may be the iPad but more often than not it's a network issue; even if you've done nothing to change it recently. Sometimes a full reboot of everything involved, router/modem, iPad, etc. can cure it or it may take something else.

You can check your iPad's network speed by downloading the free iPhone/iPad app from http:Speedtest.net - The Global Broadband Speed Test

Speedtest.net Mobile Speed Test for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

Generally for a number of reasons an iPad won't deliver the same results as a regular computer, but it shouldn't be that far off (and of course it can depend on where in the house you're using your iPad with respect to the WiFi source).

If you do find the speeds to be below what you'd expect have a look here:

iOS: Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections

If you do visit the Apple store, have them test your iPad on their network and see what they say. Bottom line, if it worked well at one point, there's no reason it shouldn't work well now and they should be able to sort it out if you can't.

Otherwise, best of luck and let us know how things go!
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Hi there. Thanks for your efforts. I did download the speed test app.....but the results meant nothing to me as I'm simply not technically proficient. Just thought I'd let you know.
Now I have read the wifi trouble shooting article and will try those suggestions. I have read the magnetic cover may interfere. Have you heard about that?
Now I have read the wifi trouble shooting article and will try those suggestions. I have read the magnetic cover may interfere. Have you heard about that?
I've noted a couple of posts about the magnetic cover being problematic for the iPad2's WiFi. But almost immediately folks will post saying that theirs have no problems with it.

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