Having the ability to downgrade will basically let jailbreaking win, especially piracy. It's like suicide in buisness.
I think I may have used the wrong words. I meant that Safari still works fine, even if it gets A BIT slower there is no problem there, unless we are seeing major changes that is when we have the right to complain.
No need for the insult mate.
Safari does not work fine though, as well as now becoming 2/3 seconds slower than before, it blocky and static when scrolling. The whole experience (what I paid for originally) has become ruined by trusting Apple to install their latest IOS onto my machine, when they knew full well that the hardware on the original iPad minis would struggle, and render the machine much slower, and less capable.
I was due to purchase 2 x iPhone 6's for Xmas for myself and my wife, and 2 x iPad Air 2's for both my sons before this update. Nearly £2,000 in total, plus apps, and add-on and years if future custom.
As you can guess I purchase none of the above, and will not in future, and I highly suspect it is the same for many other Apple customers.
Apple products used to 'just work', now it is a lottery of bad updates, and bad products. Even the Air 2 has been inundated with speaker problems, vibrating speakers, and the likes, with hoards of buyers returning items.
Apple can no longer be relied upon to treats its customers with respect.