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So disappointed after upgrading to IOS8.1

As an IT professional, why didn't you wait to see the review of the update before installing it? This happens every time there is an update, so I would have thought you may have taken this into account.
I suspect you know this, but are just ranting to make yourself feel better. Lol
I had never updated an Apple product before, so didn't realise such roll outs were always full of problems, and hindsight is wonderful.

@ Gtatler, I don't see any reason why such a thread should be closed. This thread is about an issue with IOS8.1, which is a fact, not just an opinion - after all what are forums for, if not for open discussion.
I cannot entirely disagree with Steven UK. While having a strong opinion he is giving his experience. I also think coming from IOS 6 to 8.1 he is going to experience much more slow down than many of the folks on here coming from IOS 7. Going from 6 to 7 to 8 we get used to a smaller amount of slow down and it becomes not as noticeable and normal for us. I HATE the fact that I feel like i "need" the new features of a New OS. I usually regret it. At least this time I did more research and waited until a somewhat stable version. I myself do not hate 8.1.1 but do wish I never left 7. My wife's gnarly old iPhone 4 on iOS 6 is way faster than my iPad mini 1st gen. Even our iPad Air is glitchy and flawed on iOS 8.1.1 compared to the 7.1.1 it was on. At least I knew what I was getting into and only have myself to blame. I will learn in future device upgrades to keep the lasted OS that is stock on it.

Just my take.

(Even my iPhone 5C crashes on the phone app!!)
Well said, Husq250.

Isn't it odd, that we have to get used to products becoming slower, and even accepting it. Who'd have thought we were living in the age of technology, when one would think we should be going forwards not backwards.

Similarly to your wife's iphone4, my iPhone 5 on IOS6 is also extremely fast, probably way faster than a current iPhone 6+ that consumers are scrambling to buy.

I have now put my iPad mini up for sale, it is no use to me in its current state. I'd be better off buying a budget tablet for £40 which would be quicker, and crash less often.
Obviously with new features added the operating system has more to do after each upgrade, especially with touch screens. The same happens with Windows to some extent, but it is not so noticeable with PCs as they generally have much faster processors and more memory than iPads and iPhones.

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk
I would agree. It is a trade off of making an older processor do more work to get us the new features, at the risk of performing them slower.

HOWEVER(!), my iPad mini is still much faster and more enjoyable than my PC! :)
I would agree. It is a trade off of making an older processor do more work to get us the new features, at the risk of performing them slower.

HOWEVER(!), my iPad mini is still much faster and more enjoyable than my PC! :)
There is no reason for the trade off though, if Apple stopped doing a complete disservice to their paying customers and allowed them to roll back to a working IOS, thus allowing them full use of the product they PAID for.

It is the equivalent to your car manufacturer placing a speed limiter on your car, when you know other cars do not have to endure it, and that same manufacturer refusing to take it off, and wanting you to purchase a new car instead; even though the car is only 12/24 months old.
I kinda like the fact that you cannot downgrade an OS. Helps stop piracy or other vodoo some people are up to.

My iPad 2 is working perfectly. I did not even expect that the latest version would run very smoothly. For safari I think it's fine. Yes it may be a bit slower but it is still functional and that doesn't ruin the experience. It doesn't matter unless it reaches a point where you cannot use it at all.
I kinda like the fact that you cannot downgrade an OS. Helps stop piracy or other vodoo some people are up to.

My iPad 2 is working perfectly. I did not even expect that the latest version would run very smoothly. For safari I think it's fine. Yes it may be a bit slower but it is still functional and that doesn't ruin the experience. It doesn't matter unless it reaches a point where you cannot use it at all.
Ser Aphim, you would then be the perfect customer that Apple would like to clone and then migrate the DNA to all other buyers of their products.

How having your product take a backwards step is not ruining the experience of using the product, and declared 'working perfectly' when only a week earlier it was much, much better is beyond me.

"It doesn't matter unless it reaches the point where you cannot use it at all"

I actually had to read that twice to fully comprehend it really was what I was reading. I have now read it 4/5 times and I am still shaking my head in disbelief.
Ser Aphim, you would then be the perfect customer that Apple would like to clone and then migrate the DNA to all other buyers of their products.

How having your product take a backwards step is not ruining the experience of using the product, and declared 'working perfectly' when only a week earlier it was much, much better is beyond me.

"It doesn't matter unless it reaches the point where you cannot use it at all"

I actually had to read that twice to fully comprehend it really was what I was reading. I have now read it 4/5 times and I am still shaking my head in disbelief.
Hi Steven UK, I guess by now we get that you are not happy with the operation of your iPad with the latest system downloads. One can only sympathise with that, and I do hope your situation improves with future downloads, should you attempt those:)
But, I'm just chipping in here to record a reminder per Rule 1.5, that challenging others' points of view is fine provided it's done respectfully and thoughtfully. I'm sure you'll understand mate:)
Regards, Andrew

Sent from my iPad Air2 using Tapatalk
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Ser Aphim, you would then be the perfect customer that Apple would like to clone and then migrate the DNA to all other buyers of their products.

How having your product take a backwards step is not ruining the experience of using the product, and declared 'working perfectly' when only a week earlier it was much, much better is beyond me.

"It doesn't matter unless it reaches the point where you cannot use it at all"

I actually had to read that twice to fully comprehend it really was what I was reading. I have now read it 4/5 times and I am still shaking my head in disbelief.

Having the ability to downgrade will basically let jailbreaking win, especially piracy. It's like suicide in buisness.

I think I may have used the wrong words. I meant that Safari still works fine, even if it gets A BIT slower there is no problem there, unless we are seeing major changes that is when we have the right to complain.

No need for the insult mate.
Having the ability to downgrade will basically let jailbreaking win, especially piracy. It's like suicide in buisness.

I think I may have used the wrong words. I meant that Safari still works fine, even if it gets A BIT slower there is no problem there, unless we are seeing major changes that is when we have the right to complain.

No need for the insult mate.
Safari does not work fine though, as well as now becoming 2/3 seconds slower than before, it blocky and static when scrolling. The whole experience (what I paid for originally) has become ruined by trusting Apple to install their latest IOS onto my machine, when they knew full well that the hardware on the original iPad minis would struggle, and render the machine much slower, and less capable.

I was due to purchase 2 x iPhone 6's for Xmas for myself and my wife, and 2 x iPad Air 2's for both my sons before this update. Nearly £2,000 in total, plus apps, and add-on and years if future custom.

As you can guess I purchase none of the above, and will not in future, and I highly suspect it is the same for many other Apple customers.

Apple products used to 'just work', now it is a lottery of bad updates, and bad products. Even the Air 2 has been inundated with speaker problems, vibrating speakers, and the likes, with hoards of buyers returning items.

Apple can no longer be relied upon to treats its customers with respect.

After the OS Update my I-Pad2 runs like an old "386" cpu windows machine, I get way ahead of the I-pad when typing and I type with two fingers, the browsing experience sucks!
I figured as "sue happy" as Americans are that their would be a class action suite attempting to force Apple to allow OS downgrades but I have not heard of anything. Then I thought I would have an Apple Genius tell me why my I-Pad2 is soooo slow but this would only waist more of my time. I gave up on my I-Pad2, gave it to my wife and she uses it as a Facebook machine, she said it's OK.
My next tablet will be an android, if I hate it only then will I consider a new I-Pad.
Probably not germane to this discussion, but I have had my iPad 4 Retina Display 32GB with WiFi plus 4G. since July 2013. I upgraded to IOS 8.1.3 when that came out. The unit performs just as well and as zippy now as it ever did. And I have not had the kind of problems discussed here. Hope everyone's problems sort themselves out.

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