Thanks it's a cut and paste. I can't take credit for it.
I upgraded anyway. :thumbs:
It's helpful to share info, but it would only be fair to cite the originator when you do. Otherwise, it's plagiarism.
Thanks it's a cut and paste. I can't take credit for it.
I upgraded anyway. :thumbs:
It's helpful to share info, but it would only be fair to cite the originator when you do. Otherwise, it's plagiarism.
It's not plagiarism, because technically its apples domain. Though I'd argue universal information has no strings attached. Quoting normally assists by tagging the original poster. So with business out of the way, I'll keep the thread by saying is an ad update, and nothing changed on my.machine. Don't use fandango or any of the others at all so it's a space hog in my mind.
Kaykaykay said:The excerpt came from Cnet:
Apple releases iOS 6.1 with additional LTE support | Apple - CNET News
And whether writing is taken from Apple, Cnet or otherwise, not citing is plagiarism.
All three graphs were lifted directly. That's not "universal" info.
yellowhorse said:What are you the plagiarism police? Do you get paid to do this, or is it volunteer? Do you go around picking on people who do cite, for accuracy? just wondering. Vague allegiance to authority in a seemingly meaningless except to a hand full few topic, is mildly intriguing. People come here for help, not all are cited references.
I wasn't the one that started it, I think that making people feel inferior in threads pushes people away from seeking help. I did use volunteer correctly, and I still say, that I haven't called anyone names nor put anyone down. And people can give advice on how to resolve apple issues without citing articles or individuals. Now that you are here moderator, is that a requirement for seeking or giving help in these forums?
And whether writing is taken from Apple, Cnet or otherwise, not citing is plagiarism.
Actually it came from a notepad file where I was researching IOS 6.1 via Google and didn't bother to cite the actual article since it was intended for my info only.
So to clear it up, in addition to various descriptions of 6.1 on various Apple web sites I found the info on
Apple releases iOS 6.1 - GEBLOK
Apple releases iOS 6.1 | OpenSpark
Apple releases iOS 6.1 with extra LTE support - PanARMENIAN.Net
Apple Updates iOS to 6.1 | Sunshine Infotech
Yours Hub
» Apple releases iOS 6.1
Apple releases iOS 6.1 with additional LTE support | TechLone
Apple releases iOS 6.1 with additional LTE support India Market Price
Apple releases iOS 6.1 with additional LTE support | Apple - CNET News
I'll make sure I cite someone in the future.