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So how many of us don't have an iPhone?


iPF Noob
I feel like I'm part of a mixed family. I'm on VZW (which for many financial reasons I'll never leave) and have a Droid, which I love. I bought my wife an iPad on Monday and she loves it, I do too. I've got my Droid rooted so we can access the net from just about anywhere on the iPad using one of the Droid's apps. Basically I feel that I have the best of both worlds (and might even buy an iPhone if it ever comes to VZW and can do what the Droid can), so I'm curious if anyone else comes from a similar background as I do.
I feel like I'm part of a mixed family. I'm on VZW (which for many financial reasons I'll never leave) and have a Droid, which I love. I bought my wife an iPad on Monday and she loves it, I do too. I've got my Droid rooted so we can access the net from just about anywhere on the iPad using one of the Droid's apps. Basically I feel that I have the best of both worlds (and might even buy an iPhone if it ever comes to VZW and can do what the Droid can), so I'm curious if anyone else comes from a similar background as I do.
I have a rooted droid also. I love that i didn't have have to spend an extra $130 for 3G. How much bandwidth do you think you have used through tethering so far. I hope i don't get charged for it.
Never owned an iPhone and probably never will. I was tempted by the iPod Touch way back, but I have a Nano that still is going strong. Technically I own a Touch, but I doubt if I will ever have it. The iPad is what I need for most of my portable needs.
I'm with Verizon also and love the service so I've been a long time customer. I'm a Blackberry guy, but if and when Verizon releases an iPhone 4G, I'm gonna get it on release day. If I don't like it I can always go back to my Blackberry Tour phone. :)
no iPhone

i don't have an iPhone
and that's why i'm very interested in the iPad

in Belgium, the iPhone is quite expensive (± € 600), so an iPad will be cheaper (i hope) and has more potential, but the release date isn't confirmed yet (maybe May, but some say end of 2010 :eek:)

i think, if you have an iPhone and a MacBook, you don't really need an iPad
i only own an iMac 24", so lacking an iPhone, i need an iPad ;)
I had a 3GS for two months, but it was entirely too terrible to bear so I ditched it. Now with a Nexus One (which is amazing, but T-Mo sucks) and waiting for the HTC EVO in a month or two.
iPod Touch x 2 but no ATT here so no iPhone, hoping for Verizon soon, holding on to a clunker phone for now hoping for a change, maybe tomorrow???.
I have an iPhone, but I'm considering switching to a rooted Droid at some point just so I can tether my iPad. I know you can also tether with a jailbroken iPhone, but everyone seems to agree that AT&T could stick you with a ridiculously large bill if they find out you're tethering. Anyway, I'm just waiting to see how cool the iPhone 4G is and whether or not it'll be available on Verizon before I decide for sure.
corporate issued BB here... i refuse to carry two phones...

The only other apple product I have owned is a 1st gen nano...
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Droid crew checking in here too. I HAD an iPhone, but ATT just sucked too bad for me to justify keeping their services.
I have a BB Curve. Out in the boonies where I live the ATT service is too sucky for a cell phone. I do have an iPod touch that is with me 24x7

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