iPF Noob
A big thing of Gouda Cheese, a huge round thing of it thats probably like 15 pounds. What is someone supposed to do with this much cheese?
I guess it is better than fruitcake! lol!
was actually given two of them (separate people). super simple to fly and dont crash them much. The more expensive one of the two just stopped working on its own after a few hours of use. The cheaper one is harder to maneuver and crashes more often but seems to be super durable.
After crashing in the house a few time my sister decided to take it outside, flew it about 300 feet in the air and then just let it fall right to the concert. We just picked it back up and it was flying again without damage. It came with spare parts so I wander what you would really have to do to break it.
I think they are so cool! How fun!