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Some rookie questions


iPF Noob
Hello, I am looking at buying an I pad but I want to learn a little more about something I am going to spend a lot of money on. I appreciate any information.
Will my Iphone and Ipad sync togehter? If so how? Do I have to do anything to get them to sync? How does Itunes work on the Ipad? Now I buy music from my PC and then load them onto my Ipod. Can I do that from my Ipad? How do I buy books for the Ipad? As long as I have wifi can i send an recieve text messages? I will probably not buy the one that has the internet plan capability. I am sure I have many more questions, I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.
fiveonomo said:
Hello, I am looking at buying an I pad but I want to learn a little more about something I am going to spend a lot of money on. I appreciate any information.
Will my Iphone and Ipad sync togehter? If so how? Do I have to do anything to get them to sync? How does Itunes work on the Ipad? Now I buy music from my PC and then load them onto my Ipod. Can I do that from my Ipad? How do I buy books for the Ipad? As long as I have wifi can i send an recieve text messages? I will probably not buy the one that has the internet plan capability. I am sure I have many more questions, I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.

That's a lot of questions but here goes......

- your iPhone and iPad will stay in sync through iCloud using the same Apple ID as you have already.
- I'm not certain what you mean by how does iTunes work on the iPad?
- you can buy music on your iPad, if your computer uses the same Apple ID the tracks will still be available for you to download there.
- you can buy books through iBooks, Amazon (for the Kindle App), etc.
- no idea about the text question.

That's all I've got, hopefully others can chime in here.

The Archangel
Sorry for the confusion, I am totally ignorant to most new technology but I am trying to learn. I guess with the I tunes I am asking if I do not have any other computer at home can I use I tunes from the I pad? Meaning I buy a song on I tunes, how do I get the song to my Ipod classic or my I pod shuffle? They are not wifi devices so how would I sync them? Does the I cloud do this? Or can I connect a cord from the I pad to the I pod and transfer the song that way? That brings me to when does my I pad sync everything if I only have the wifi I pad? Can I text message someone from the I pad if I only have the wifi model? Sorry for the long questions but I do really appreciate your input....Thank you.
fiveonomo said:
Sorry for the confusion, I am totally ignorant to most new technology but I am trying to learn. I guess with the I tunes I am asking if I do not have any other computer at home can I use I tunes from the I pad? Meaning I buy a song on I tunes, how do I get the song to my Ipod classic or my I pod shuffle? They are not wifi devices so how would I sync them? Does the I cloud do this? Or can I connect a cord from the I pad to the I pod and transfer the song that way? That brings me to when does my I pad sync everything if I only have the wifi I pad? Can I text message someone from the I pad if I only have the wifi model? Sorry for the long questions but I do really appreciate your input....Thank you.

No, unfortunately your iPods would still require a computer.

The Archangel
OK, thank you. I did not think there was anyway to connect a line between the two and since the I pods are not wifi capable than the cloud will not work either. Thanks.
fiveonomo said:
OK, thank you. I did not think there was anyway to connect a line between the two and since the I pods are not wifi capable than the cloud will not work either. Thanks.

No problem, of course, if you got yourself an iPod Touch then you could use iCloud.

The Archangel

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