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Someone did something that took me out of my comfort zone

When I was a teenager I had a problem with my sister going through my stuff in my bedroom. So I took a regular sized baggie and filled it half up with Oregano and hid it under some t-shirts in my dresser drawer.

Several days later I came home from school to some very freaked out parents and a sister standing in her room with an odd smile. I picked up the baggie from my dads hand, asked them to follow me, walked into the kitchen and poured the contents back into the fairly large but empty oregano container. I then explained what I had done and told my parents that if I every caught their 'precious little princess' going through my stuff again I would break her fingers.

Needless to say she got in a world of trouble and never searched my stuff again.

You should consider doing something similar. Someone can hide Oregano in their desk, some can hid talc power in a baggie, someone can hide some rock candy in a baggie, etc. This guy will think he's working in a Columbian drug lab. And when he goes off and the entire staff of the company stands up and tells what happened - maybe something will change.
When I was a teenager I had a problem with my sister going through my stuff in my bedroom. So I took a regular sized baggie and filled it half up with Oregano and hid it under some t-shirts in my dresser drawer.

Several days later I came home from school to some very freaked out parents and a sister standing in her room with an odd smile. I picked up the baggie from my dads hand, asked them to follow me, walked into the kitchen and poured the contents back into the fairly large but empty oregano container. I then explained what I had done and told my parents that if I every caught their 'precious little princess' going through my stuff again I would break her fingers.

Needless to say she got in a world of trouble and never searched my stuff again.

You should consider doing something similar. Someone can hide Oregano in their desk, some can hid talc power in a baggie, someone can hide some rock candy in a baggie, etc. This guy will think he's working in a Columbian drug lab. And when he goes off and the entire staff of the company stands up and tells what happened - maybe something will change.

Nice. I was going to suggest taping a dead fish under his chair, but I like your idea.
we tried diff things with the guy he just does not get the idea of closed doors and private spaces are meant to be private,.

it like this guy at a classic car show in Modesto last weekend just walked over and sit down in a guy car and was looking around i found it funny when the guy was pulled out by the hair and put down on the ground ..he was basically told not to do that and if was caught doing again he would not be going home on two legs..
Wow, let's get some perspective, lock it away when your not around to keep an eye on things and pop a lock code on it, just incase, best you can do short of booby trapping your personal possessions,

If that's the sum total of your problems at work, I d take a job swap all day long!

Whether we're discussing a car, a wing, or a $700 piece of electronics, these are, after all, just "things". If your first thought is to initiate violence, then it may be time to take a step back. :)

"out of sight, out of mind" has always served me well.
how many PORN sites did the guy visit when he had your iPad?? better yet, how many 'gay' sites did he check out ???? You might want to check... could put ya in a embarsing sittuation when your wife gets her hands on your iPad :p:p:p
Whether we're discussing a car, a wing, or a $700 piece of electronics, these are, after all, just "things". If your first thought is to initiate violence, then it may be time to take a step back. :)

"out of sight, out of mind" has always served me well.
Every single part of every one of his examples follows some sort of violence route. Pretty sure this is an over exaggeration. Either that or everywhere this guy goes people get into fights.
This guy is screwing around with other people's belongings while those belongings are in private places. Apparantly, no level of reason will deter his obnoxious behavior. My rational side believes that he has some mental issue that needs attention. My practical side believes that he's going to get the snot kicked out of him one day. Que sera, sera.

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