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Speculation Mounts that the iPad 2 Will Launch in US on April 2nd or 9th

sometimes i sit and wonder how much does the other companys drive this type of info release about some of the apple products ..

plus give the fact that apple has been trying to make sure some of the features on the ipad has a long life in the battery use of the item ..so it my understanding of the socalled Iphone 4 front camera set up eats battery life very quickly ..so haveing to rechargeing phone battery is normal and apple did work very hard on the socalled battery life of the Ipad ..

we will just have to wait and see on the socalled new features apple has bought out ..
Hadn't thought of that Henry, but you're right.
New features like improved screen, cameras and even (if we're lucky) a new chip will all eat into battery life which is one of the iPads greatest assets.

Still not long to go now.
Apple has to do something about the price of the iPad, with both the Nook and Kindle being under $200, consumers are sometimes willing to sacrifice functionality for price...:confused:


It's way UNDERPRICED....people would easily have paid $1000 for it. I think they made the right choice pricing it so low.

Nook and kindle are single use e-ink devices...of course they will be cheap.
Hadn't thought of that Henry, but you're right.
New features like improved screen, cameras and even (if we're lucky) a new chip will all eat into battery life which is one of the iPads greatest assets.

Still not long to go now.

Don't expect any of those things.....128GB storage, maybe CDMA version, and maybe (not likely tho) cameras. That should be all we see by way of changes.
Apple worked really hard the Ipad battery life to be good for set amount of hours for basic all around electonic device in a person socalled electronic lifestyle and when people go i want this or that on the device something has to be given up to get that and i do not think apple will allow that to happen once they put all that work into the unit in the first place ..

i can see a bigger chip or harddrive but the main saleing point to alot of people has been the battery life of the device and it main socalled comeing the dance partners late comers into the market devices do not have good battery life ..

so give up battery life that they have worked so hard for or give the massive socalled tech heads who will never be totally happy with a device intill it so over buden with useless cra-on it and then it priced out of the range of a normal user ..

that my two cents on the subect..
i know this post is a little off the subect but here is something to think about when the some of the socalled people are going it going to have this type of a features on the next great model of the iphone or the ipad ..

the big thing about the socalled smart phone market is that the US Military is looking to get the smart phones out to the people in the field and the biggest selling point to the military is battery life and how long can it last on a mission when in the field ..

for most of the mission spec profiles will have to the battery last at least 6 hours or more for heavy use in the field along with the fact that the people in the field are takeing photos of the things they find in the area or people or doing something with the phone applications when in the field ..

so the battie life has to be able to go along time without a basic recharge and i know there is things that helps that ..but as a grunt it just one more piece of junk to have to carry with you on partol when out in the field and most of this guys are allready a basic walking upright verison of a pack mule when out on a misson as it is ..

so that means getting back into the Hummer and pluging it to recharge the battie and that not good if the unit is underattack and bailing out of the truck or vehicles and getting behind cover and the phone is still in vehicle beening shot up at the same time as the vehicle ..

so battie life is the one thing that apple did work hard on with some of it products to them to that length of time when useing the product ..so remember is apple ready to sariface the battie life of a product for more features as a selling point or is the battie life going to be the same and maybe a basic upgrade here and there in some areas..
Tabletpcvision said:
Apple has to do something about the price of the iPad, with both the Nook and Kindle being under $200, consumers are sometimes willing to sacrifice functionality for price...:confused:

Not same hardware nothing comes close to the i pad the price point is spot on based on what you get. We sell 60 iPod touches a week at $240 plus Australian compared to 10 iPod nano at $170 it is not about price it is about what you get for the money sorry the Nook and Kindle are e- readers Totally different from the iPad.

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