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Storage Space Consumed by Apps


iPF Noob
Jun 10, 2011
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Songs, Video and Pictures provide a reasonably easy way to figure out what specific items are using storage space on the iPad. Not so much with Apps, unless I am missing something. When I look at the Apps via iTunes on my laptop, I see the storage space each App claims to use, but those numbers do no come close to the amount claimed by the graph at the bottom of the iTunes window.

How can I investigate which Apps are using how much storage space?

The size you see next to the app in iTunes is how big the app is when you download it from the app store. What you see in the graph thing is the app + it's data. So like you download a game like modern combat and it is 3mb. Then you buy an add on such as a map pack that is 2mb. That adds up.

(1,800th post!)
That is exactly the problem. I can't see which applications have a lot of associated data, so that I can take that information into consideration when I am looking to recapture free space on my iPad.

Still seeking a way to identify the actual space used by applications.
Same problem here: 64GB almost gone and... and I'd like, directly from the iPad (no iTunes pls), to know what are the biggest apps to consider for deletion from my device.
Any ideas? TIA, g
Hi, I'm really new here so I'm not sure if any of you are jailbroken or not. That's the only easy way I know to investigate this. There is a Cydia app called AppInfo that's free & amazing-it calculates the actual size of your apps. You can do this individually or export a list.

You'll probably be surprised/dismayed by what you learn. For example AppShopper, one of my most-used apps, was racking up a cache of 1.5 GIGABYTES after being on my device for over 6 months. I had to start periodically deleting & reinstalling it because it grew at about 300Mb per month. Cinetap for Netflix is another one I've caught creeping up past the 500 Mb mark. Most RSS readers, if you have a lot of feed subscriptions, may also grow to epic proportions depending on whether or not you're telling them to download images/full posts. I wrote to the AppShopper devs a while ago asking about the cache issue and never heard back, but lo! Their last update mentioned "vastly improved cache handling" and sure enough I had over 100 extra Mb after updating.

I think a lot of it has to do with poorly handled image caching. Without AppInfo or something similar I'm not sure how you'd determine the worst offenders, maybe someone else will have a tip but you cannot see it in iTunes, only the original download size. Which in my repeated experience can easily be 100mb-1Gb less than the space it's actually using. Hope this helps.

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