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Suddenly cannot read downloaded files in iBook when offline


iPF Noob
Today I tried to access my PFD's in the iBook library but received a message stating I had to be connected to the internet. I had previously been able to access and read the entire library inventory while offline. Any idea what has happened?

The message:
"Couldn't Connect
Apple Books couldn't connect to iCloud. Check your internet connection, then try again."

Recently I was pestered to download and install an update. After downloading and installing the most recent kept insisting I enter my password for iCloud, this was not ever necessary before. I also had trouble with iCloud not showing files uploaded and visible with my computer yet they did not appear for over an hour on my iPad. I have two. One at least showed the new but empty folder. The other did not even show the folder.
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Are you sure those PDF files were not stored in iCloud and were being streamed to your iPad? If they were downloaded to the iPad they would be viewable offline.
Yes of course. In my original post I stated I had previously accessed them offline. I am rarely anywhere near a WIFI hot spot and I do not have the cellular versions. I have read them countless times far off in the mountains offline.
I had previously been able to access and read the entire library inventory while offline.

I went through step by step downloading the files then opened in iBook then stored in iBook.

Oddly, up until today as far as I know all the PDF's on iCloud showed downloaded. The download icon was gone once they were downloaded. However all the PDF's on iCloud now have the download icon as though they have not been downloaded. Yet when I re-download a file it is already in iBooks and the option to store it there is missing confirming it is already there.
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I know this is probably something you've already done but I always tell friends to reboot when any app or device doesn't act as expected or as before. I've seen it "fix" things in my husband's devices when he has some seemingly unlikely issue and I ask if he's rebooted (the answer is almost always not recently). It's always been my first go to fix.

Good luck

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