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Suggestion regarding the New Forum's iPAD application


iPF Noob
Truth is that I don't know who exactly wrote that great application.
I have to assume that it is someone that is watching very closely what is going on in our forums.
I am sure that it will be OK to open a thread with suggestions that will make that application even better.

My 1st suggestion is to check if it is possible to add that V sign for a thread in which a member participated in the past. I know that this sign helps me a lot .

I mean this one:

Ok, my kudos to the app creator. Me really LIKE this app!


Do you all/have you all found a way to make the font size bigger? I have terrible vision PLUS old age (double whammy!) and I really don't think I can deal with this very long, actually.

So, if there is no option - I'll go and request it from the developer...


I would like to see a selection that matches the "New Posts: ##" that shows up under my photo on the right. I actually have that bookmarked so I can see just the new posts. www.ipadforums.net/search.php?do=getnew is the link. I looked at the "Current Posts" in the App, but it didn't match up with the website, at least for me. Close, but not the same. Now, it may just be the timing between my hitting "Current" in the app and the link on the laptop, so if "Current" already just lists www.ipadforums.net/search.php?do=getnew then disregard this.

I would also like the ability to only show the subject line would be nice, rather than a short "blurb" of the post.

I do like the app, haven't spend a lot of time with it today - been a craptastic work day... I will tear it down and pull it apart when I get a chance.

Other than that
What I need is a "back" or "undo" option, I keep accidentally sweeping the screen and lose the thread or forum back to the home page. :( or its there and I'm making navigation errors.

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