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iPadForum app suggestion


iPF Noob
I'm new to the forum and to the iPadforum apps but I love it.

there are a couple of things though that I was wandering if it is possible to introduce/change

I usually use google as search as I find it better in results you get. when the result is on the ipadforum and you click the link it will ask if you want to install the free app to access the forum.
this is a good think but wouldn't be better if once you do have the app installed to actually open the app and view the thread in there?
I'm not sure if this is possible or if is down to the iPad OS that doens't recognize that the app is there etc.
it is a bit annoying as it ask all the time for every link you;re trying to view.
anyone knows if it is possible to have that? maybe by changing something in the script that does in fact the check?

well is just a suggestion.
a better search result within the app would help as well

I love the app anyway ;)
thank you for your work
While we're looking at suggestions to improve the app, can I add I still prefer to view the forums in a browser.
In a browser comments can be added at the bottom of the page, making it easier to scroll up and check what you are replying to. Switching back and forth in the app just feels awkward :(
Hate to look a gift horse in the mouth as otherwise it works really well.
Too much adds on the browser forum
Prefer the apps, much cleaner view, but I do understand the different point of view.
Anyway my suggestion was more toasted the fact that you get prompt to download the app even if you already have it. It should prompt to open in the app once is installed. But maybe is not as easy as it seems :)
As long as we are posting suggestions for this new forum app...

Please, please, please (!) allow for increasing the font size! I really like the app but, as I've said on another thread, I can't use it with my 48-year-old eyes, even with bifocals. It just does not work for me.

A girl can dream, can't she? :D

I have steadily had to increase the strength of my "cheaters" over the years as my arms seem to be growing shorter and shorter! As my 89 year old mother says, "Getting old isn't for sissies!"

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