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Sunfly karaoke airport express and Apple TV


iPF Noob
Hi all, this is my first post because I have researched like crazy and can't find the answer I need before spending the dough

I have downloaded the sunfly app that gives me an amazing karaoke of over 10,000 quality songs with instant streaming and all with just a membership and not having to download the songs to my I pad

I am going to spend some money on a karaoke amp,cordless mics,,and speakers,,,here is my question. There is no problem with getting the sound hooked up through my airport express to the amp,,,but how do I get the video to display on my tv,,,if I get an Apple TV box can I display the video to the tv from my iPad and still have the music play to the amp,,will the iPad do both Apple TV and airport express at the same time,,,the amp does not have hdmi inputs only RCA for audio and component for video. I am thinking airport express audio via RCA, then hdmi to TV from Apple TV,,,this would only work if the iPad allows me to engage both.


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