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Airport Express through iPad


iPF Noob
I have all of my music stored on my iMac hard drive (not purchased through Apple) and wish to play the songs on my iPad. I don't want to copy all my music to my iPad as I will end up using all of the available memory. I have attempted the Remote App but for some reason it doesn't show all of my songs. Is there a better App to play my music on the iPad?

I am considering purchasing Airport Express so that I can send my music to my front room speakers. The Airport Express (so I am told) will pick up anything that I play in iTunes on my iMac. Is it possible to do this from my iPad, considering I wish to keep all of my music stored on my iMac hard drive?


pdcordingly said:
I have all of my music stored on my iMac hard drive (not purchased through Apple) and wish to play the songs on my iPad. I don't want to copy all my music to my iPad as I will end up using all of the available memory. I have attempted the Remote App but for some reason it doesn't show all of my songs. Is there a better App to play my music on the iPad?

I am considering purchasing Airport Express so that I can send my music to my front room speakers. The Airport Express (so I am told) will pick up anything that I play in iTunes on my iMac. Is it possible to do this from my iPad, considering I wish to keep all of my music stored on my iMac hard drive?



I'm unclear of your objective.

If your goal is to be able to play songs from your music library that resides on your PC you have a couple different options depending upon your needs.

If you want to access your music library on your iPad when on the same wifi network as your PC home sharing will do the trick.

If you want access to your iTunes library on your iPad regardless of your location iTunes match (annual 25.00 subscription) allows you to import/store up to 25,000 songs purchased/obtained through sources other than iTunes. Your music is stored in the Apple cloud and besides giving you a full off site backup of your entire music library iTunes match also does a great job providing tag information on music with little or no tag information.

I highly recommend reading this link :


So in summary....if only home access is desired home sharing will deliver. If you want access to your music library outside your home then iTunes match is a great service and for two bucks a month I think it's a bargain.
I just want to access the music on my PC using the same wifi network in my home.

My first problem is when choosing using 'Home Sharing' is that the Remote App that I am currently using doesn't work very well. It reads some songs and not others. Do you have any alternative App's you could recommend? As appealing as the iTunes match sounds, I'd rather not pay anything unless I have to.

The second part of my question was then how to then send the music (being streamed from my PC to my iPad) to Airport Express. I spoke to a guy at an Apple store who informed me that I would have to store all of my music on my iPad to do this. Being a little sceptical I simply wanted a second and unbiased (non-Apple salesman's) opinion.
pdcordingly said:
I just want to access the music on my PC using the same wifi network in my home.

My first problem is when choosing using 'Home Sharing' is that the Remote App that I am currently using doesn't work very well. It reads some songs and not others. Do you have any alternative App's you could recommend? As appealing as the iTunes match sounds, I'd rather not pay anything unless I have to.

The second part of my question was then how to then send the music (being streamed from my PC to my iPad) to Airport Express. I spoke to a guy at an Apple store who informed me that I would have to store all of my music on my iPad to do this. Being a little sceptical I simply wanted a second and unbiased (non-Apple salesman's) opinion.

What remote app and what function does it have that you seek?

With home sharing active you should be able to just fire up the music player on the iPad and see your entire iTunes library. I'm guessing this is the case with your library and that what you want is additional functionality the native iPad music payer fails to provide?
I have just deleted your other thread on this issue, as well as it being against Forum Rules it makes it confusing for members to follow 2 threads....and then you have a third thread which is very similar.

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