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iPF Noob
Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Since I won my new iPad from an online sweepstakes, I'll extend my newbie introduction by mentioning my main online obsession- finding and entering online giveaways.

When I list the prizes I've won...

Trips- China, Jamaica, Vancouver, Montreal, NYC, Vegas, Reno etc...
Cash- thousands of dollars
Goods- tools, appliances, gift certificates to dozens of stores (inc. iTunes), computers, clothing, software
Junk- gimmee hats, dumb promotional tshirts, products and gee-gaws...

...people's first reaction is "hey, I'm a mooch too, how can I get in on all that sweet, sweet swag?"

But having pursued this hobby for years I've learned most folks are too easily frustrated by the long odds to continue tossing their pennies (the time it takes to complete and submit entry forms) into the wishing well. In the end I get insulted for having "so much time on my hands to waste." So I'll be happy to answer questions, but take no responsibility if you don't win (which happens 9,999 times out of 10,000). Also it seems many can't distinguish legitimate sweepstakes offered by brand-name companies from the myriad of "shoot the monkey" email harvesting scams.

Anyway, I've gotta go win some stuff (and post my 'Help I'm a newbie with questions! thread) so let's just say...good luck!

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