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iPF Novice
Come on Apple, does it really have to appear in all screen shots?! ☹️

Since my main use of screenshots is usually to illustrate something I saw, or offer How-Tos, I'd be irritated at screen elements that randomly did not appear far more often than ones that always appear.

My point? Only that it doesn't really matter what choice Apple makes, someone is going to think they blew it.

And yes, in the past I have blown a fuse trying to document something that doesn't show in the screenshot. I don't remember exactly what it was, but it was something that only showed for a few seconds before fading. I couldn't take the screenshot fast enough.
Just to 'possibly' be helpful.

Immediately after you take a screenshot, tap the thumbnail that shows up in the bottom left of the screen. If available, choose Full Page. This is something that normally only shows up for websites. After that you can chose the crop tool and select only the part of the page you want to keep.

No screen elements saved. Only the webpage. Works pretty well on Amazon's site.


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