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Sync I pad with laptop

Hi again

My I tunes seems a bit different to the one on the screen shots you sent me,however I have managed to remove all the pictures from I pad using I tunes. The only ones that are left are the pictures on camera roll and photo stream + 2 video shots which I think we're taken with my I Pad. So what do I do now?
I still have them all in my pictures on my laptop.
Hi again
I think I am getting there. I have now managed to download one or two folders from laptop my pictures to I pad. Does everything you download this way go to camera roll. I have created a new album for the ones I am downloading but they seem to go to camera roll as well. Is this correct?
Otherwise I think I am beginning to understand the way it works. Thank you for all your help both Dave and TW. You have great patience!
Hm. Keep in mind that iTunes will only sync one level of subfolders. Any folder in the main folder (the one you point at) will become an album. Any folders inside those folders will be ignored.
Hi again
I think I am getting there. I have now managed to download one or two folders from laptop my pictures to I pad. Does everything you download this way go to camera roll. I have created a new album for the ones I am downloading but they seem to go to camera roll as well. Is this correct?
Otherwise I think I am beginning to understand the way it works. Thank you for all your help both Dave and TW. You have great patience!

The Photosync app can only copy to the camera roll. It can not create albums.

Albums that you create in the Photos app are only virtual albums. The photos themselves are not copied. The only copy is in the camera roll. If you delete it, it will be deleted from the album as well.

It is possible to create albums separate from the camera roll, sort of. If you use Shared Photo Streams you can create albums in iCloud that will sync between your devices. You don't have to share them, so they can be private, or not. Unlike Photo Stream, these albums are permanent.

The number of photos you can place in Shared Photo Streams is fairly generous; 100 albums with up to 1000 photos each, if memory serves. As a bonus, Shared Photo Streams do not count against your iCloud storage limit.

I've been doing this for a few years now. I may change my habits when the new iCloud Photo Library comes fully online, but until then it works pretty well. Though it is more labor intensive than syncing folders using iTunes, at least you have full control from your iOS device(s).

There are some caveats. Large photos may be downsized, especially panoramics, and you can't put videos in Shared Photo Streams. Of course, iTunes does the same thing with photos, optimizing them for viewing on the iPad.
My I tunes seems a bit different to the one on the screen shots you sent me,however I have managed to remove all the pictures from I pad using I tunes. The only ones that are left are the pictures on camera roll and photo stream + 2 video shots which I think we're taken with my I Pad. So what do I do now?
I still have them all in my pictures on my laptop.

Hi Jolin.... - looks like TP has given you some excellent information which points out some of the limitations and frustrations of using iTunes on a computer & syncing to an iPad, e.g. nested folder issue, 'virtual' albums in the Photo App, and poor organizational features in the app.

So, relative to what is in bold above - what would you like to do, e.g. do you want all of your laptop's photo library back onto the iPad? How do you want the images organized in the Photo App? If you want only a portion of your computer's pics on the iPad, then you'll have to carefully organize them (on your hard drive) into a folder w/ single layered nested folders or as multiple folders keeping in mind the points mentioned by TP.

Hi again
I think I am getting there. I have now managed to download one or two folders from laptop my pictures to I pad. Does everything you download this way go to camera roll. I have created a new album for the ones I am downloading but they seem to go to camera roll as well. Is this correct?
Otherwise I think I am beginning to understand the way it works. Thank you for all your help both Dave and TW.

To further continue w/ my response above, the Camera Roll is a pain that cannot be manipulated well, especially when you want to show your photos to others in nicely sorted captioned folders. Now I hate to recommend yet another third party app, but many iPad users have chosen to use third party programs on the iPad to manager their images - I probably have nearly a dozen (broadly divided into those for photo editing and those used for organization).

One for organization that works well is Photo Manager Pro - check the link (just a $3 purchase) - photos can be imported into the app and are stored there (i.e. deletion from the Camera Roll can then be done); captioned folders (and pictures) are possible; a number of backup options car also available, along w/ 'password' protection, if desired. I'll let you 'digest' our comments and let you respond. Dave :)
Thank you both again. I will need time to digest all that information. I will leave it till morning when my brain is fresh.
:)Good morning TP and Dave.
Thank you so much for all that information.
I think I am getting the hang of it now ad it will take sometime to transfer the photos. I do not want to transfer them all so I realise I will have to separate the folders within folders and transfer them separately. I see I can create new albums and I now know that they are not really files so am I right that this way they do not take up more space. THe files which are in camera roll are the real files. Is this right? I think doing this will be enough and I will not need to go on to the third site.
IPFis a great source of information and you both have been very helpful and good at explaining to an old brain. I am 82 so it takes longer to digest all the information.
I think I am getting the hang of it now ad it will take sometime to transfer the photos. I do not want to transfer them all so I realise I will have to separate the folders within folders and transfer them separately. I see I can create new albums and I now know that they are not really files so am I right that this way they do not take up more space. THe files which are in camera roll are the real files. Is this right? I think doing this will be enough and I will not need to go on to the third site.

Hello again - if you decide to use the native Photo app, then just to reiterate some of the frustrations: 1) When you sync your pics from the laptop to the iPad, they will go into albums w/ the same name; from there you can make new albums to place your 'linked' images; 2) If you delete images from the CR, they will also disappear in whatever albums contained them; and 3) If you delete images from your laptop's hard drive, on the next sync to your laptop, the same pics will be also deleted from the device. Hence, the recommendation to use a 'third party' app - just saying. Good luck - Dave :)
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Thanks again for input.
I have now managed to download a lot of my photos and when I make a new album in photos it shows up in the photosync page as well which is fine. Now I seem to have ended up with a lot of my pictures duplicated and it is a long haul to know which ones as some of them say eg. Image 215 then I have another same pic saying eg. Jim's dog.is there any quick way I can delete one and keep the other. It takes a long time to go through them.
Can camera roll recognise the same picture even though it has a different name?
Am I right in thinking that camera roll is the only one which has the file and the others are just pictures but not actual files? That means the only actual files are in camera roll and in my pictures on the laptop?
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I have now managed to download a lot of my photos and when I make a new album in photos it shows up in the photosync page as well which is fine. Now I seem to have ended up with a lot of my pictures duplicated and it is a long haul to know which ones as some of them say eg. Image 215 then I have another same pic saying eg. Jim's dog.is there any quick way I can delete one and keep the other. It takes a long time to go through them.
Can camera roll recognise the same picture even though it has a different name?
Am I right in thinking that camera roll is the only one which has the file and the others are just pictures but not actual files? That means the only actual files are in camera roll and in my pictures on the laptop?

Hi again - let me first ask: 1) Do you have any of the cloud services activated - Apple now has an iCloud Photo Library beta & Photo Stream; and 2) Are you using both iTunes & PhotoSync to get your pictures onto the iPad? If the latter, then that may explain the duplication - you should be using one or the other w/ PhotoSync being the better option.

Also, Apple has really 'bungled' the early 8.x iOS releases, they first eliminated the 'Camera Roll' (CR), then adding it back, and then not showing the feature if one decides to use the iCloud Photo Library beta - check this Apple Support Article which explains these 'new' options and how the CR now functions (below is just a short quote from that source).

This morning to refresh my memory on the latest (and greatest - got to chuckle!) changes in the Photo App and to look more closely @ PhotoSync, my results: 1) Using iTunes and syncing 2 albums to my iPad, they were added as 'Albums' w/ the same name as on my MBPro, and the images were NOT added to the CR (verifying the statement in bold below); now, I could enter these recently added albums and make new ones w/ linked images; and 2) I used PhotoSync on my laptop, to transfer an album and then several individual photos wirelessly - all were added to my CR (because that is what is selected in PhotoSync @ the moment, although other options can be chosen - see the screen shot below - the arrow points to the program on the dock - a double click opens the options to send photos to the iPad).

SO, if you have been using both iTunes sync & PhotoSync, then likely an explanation for your duplicate images (unless the cloud services are also syncing?). I would suggest simply using PhotoSync - as seen in the pic below, you can select different albums or even define new ones; if you choose the CR for all of your images, then 'new' albums can be made and the pics will be linked. Let me stop there - Dave :)

If you don't have iCloud Photo Library beta enabled, you'll have Camera Roll and My Photo Stream albums in iOS 8.1 or later. The Camera Roll album shows all photos saved to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, and it organizes your photos by the date they were added to your device. This includes all photos taken by your device or saved to your device through a Camera Connection Kit. It doesn't include photos synced to the device from iTunes.

P.S. you have a Windows machine, so both iTunes & PhotoSync may look and behave differently - I don't know and cannot test the differences - sorry.
Screen Shot 2015-01-15 at 11.30.54 AM.webp
No. I deleted all the ticks in I tunes which emptied out all the photos from my I pad photos program. Except those which were in camera roll and photo stream, however I think I have managed to transfer all the pictures I want . I may transfer them to an outside program at a later date.thanks again for all your help to you and TP
I have a new question.
How can I link my I pad with another to play Hearts

There is no special iPad thing you do for this. It's all in the app.

You'll have to find a Hearts app that supports multiplayer. There should be at least a few of them. It can be over the internet, or local (bluetooth) or both. Make sure they say they do the one you want.

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