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Sync problem


iPF Noob
Every time I try to sync my iPad2 with my PC I get the error message "iPad cannot be synced. Error occured while writing to device".

Help please!!!!

Try going into iTunes Preferences on the computer, the Devices tab. Delete the backup for that iPad and try again. Sometimes the backups get corrupted and prevent syncing.

Be prepaired for a longer backup than normal.
Thanks for that. It was backed up 2 and a half hours ago. Is this automatic? I tried to find 'backup' and couldn't. 'Devices' will let me delete a back up but does not seem to allow new backups.

ITunes keeps on telling me to 'restore', but I'll lose all my purchases if I do that, and it does not give me the option to backup before I restore. I have copied iTunes from my PC to an external hard drive, but I don't know how to get it back on to the iPad after I have restored. Someone mentioned 'transfer' but I can't find it on iTunes.

Thanks so much for trying to help. Can you solve this problem?

Kind regards

Make sure that iTunes is authorized with your account. That option is under the Store menu. Moving the library might have caused a loss of authorization.

Cancel the restore dialog, right click on the iPad under the Devices list to the left, and choose Transfer Purchases. This will usually usually stop the restore/erase content issue.

Backups are performed automatically every time you sync the iPad. However you can force a backup by right clicking on the iPad in the Devices list, as before, and choosing backup. iTunes only maintains one backup per device. There is not history to restore from. The way around this is to make sure that the backup file itself is backed up regularly. If you do regular computer backups, this is probably already happening.

Here is some more info on backups. You'll probably find most the answers you want there.

iPad: About backups
iTunes: Backing up, updating, and restoring your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch software
Thanks so much for trying to help. I followed your instructions completely. iPad was authorised, transferred the purchases and backed up my computer (I'm ashamed to say that after 24 years of working with computers this was the first time I had backed up via Windows. Didn't know how and didn't think to ask anyone).

After some frustration of iTunes not recognising the iPad, I did at last sync. Added one book to make sure it was okay and we were back to square one.

The current little trick iTunes has is continually not recognising the iPad.

So ................ after 24 hours of total frustration I contacted Apple. Spoke to a very helpful technician and he thinks it's an iPad driver problem. He instructed me to delete the Apple driver from my PC and we could not reinstall another. I now have to take it to the local (totally useless) Apple shop. It'll take them weeks and the next closest shop is hundreds of miles away (I AM in country Australia)!

I guess you don't have any other suggestions Mikel???????

Thanks again.

Kind regards

I'm sorry. You've pretty much exhausted my bag of tricks. If you're still trying to get the Apple drivers installed back on the laptop, that will have to come first, and I'm afraid my Windows knowledge is badly out of date.

The Apple tech made sure your computer's iTunes version was current, yes?
No he didn't Mikel. However the iPad is only 6 months old, so it would probably be current. I now no longer have a driver so I can't test that.

Thanks again for taking so much trouble.

Kind regards

Peta said:
No he didn't Mikel. However the iPad is only 6 months old, so it would probably be current. I now no longer have a driver so I can't test that.

Thanks again for taking so much trouble.

Kind regards


I meant, is iTunes on you computer up to date? I should have been more specific.
Mikel, the good news is that Apple has just told me they will replace the iPad.

No, I did not reinstall iTunes - I did copy it to an external hard disc for later use if necessary. If I reinstall it I think I will lose all my apps. However as I don't have an iPad driver now, I can't even test a reinstallation.

Thanks for being so kind.


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