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Synching without making a mess of things

Hi all

I've had my iPad(2) for... a year? And have synched 3 times in all that. This is because the first time I synched the process deleted all but 2 of my apps (so around 20 apps) from my iPad, I'm told because the system looked at my Apple profile and saw no apps, so made my iPad match it.

Whether that is true or not, it has made me incredibly wary of synching my iPad, but I now need to add a few PDFs to my library, so it will hve to be risked. So could you tell me how to avoid the disaster I had the first time?

I am perfectly happy for it to do whatever it likes, including matching computer to iPad in terms of content, provided it doesn't remove anything from the iPad. But if it is all the same to Apple, all I really need to do is transfer a dozen PDFs to the iPad from my computer.

Could someone tell me what to do/not do?


I'll do it that way, thanks!

As a side point, is what I experienced a common issue? I assume it is comparing the pc to the iPad and deciding the pc is the 'correct' version, so removing everything on the iPad.
I'll do it that way, thanks!

As a side point, is what I experienced a common issue? I assume it is comparing the pc to the iPad and deciding the pc is the 'correct' version, so removing everything on the iPad.

You can also do it really easily if your Ipad app has Dropbox ability by just slipping the PDF into Dropbox and opening on PC. Do it all the time. For PDFs I've been using Goodreader and Noteability, both with sync to Dropbox. Email works okay too though.

And---I've had an Ipad since the month the Ipad 1 came out. I HATE using Itunes to sync and I'm very computer savvy. I avoid it at all costs. Love my Ipad 3, hate Itunes for sync LOL. Dropbox is my go to app for quite a lot of things and I make sure any app I buy where I might need transferring has Dropbox option.

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