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Syncing PDF's into iBooks, blanks


iPF Noob
I have been successfully syncing PDF's from my Windows XP PC using iTunes. But a few of the most recent docs that I have scanned with my Canon sheetfed scanner are appearing in iTunes as blank pages. I wonder why this happening and if there is a way to fix it.
I have been successfully syncing PDF's from my Windows XP PC using iTunes. But a few of the most recent docs that I have scanned with my Canon sheetfed scanner are appearing in iTunes as blank pages. I wonder why this happening and if there is a way to fix it.

We meet again!! I moved this thread into the Forum Help section, where I think it will receive better attention. I hope this is OK.

iPad Forum Moderator
The way Apple support told me to transfer PDF's to my iPad is to transfer them into iBooks. Click on Books menu in the library section of iTunes then select the File, Add File to Library, navigate to the PDF file you want to sync to your iPad, then after selecting the file , click on your iPad device menu bar command and finally click on the sync botton. This has been working fine except for a couple of the most recent PDF files which are showing up as blank pages in iTunes on the PC. Any ideas why?
From time to time I too get Blank pages of what seems a perfect PDF - On the iPAD.
meaning on Windows 7 or XP it looks perfect. Butthe iPad don't like it.

I use one of the trillion program that can create PDF files ( like Printer drivers as well) .
and then I copy them again to my iPad - and Walla !!
It looks fine.

If you take a look inside the properties of the PDF files, you will find that there are
all kind of versions.
I recall testing it, and coming up with a conclusion of a certain version iPad don't like.
Don't remember, since what the Heck...
I can always make it work any way.
Thanks Peled, you have just answered something TwerpPoet and I were trying to advise on.

from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app

Thank you for your reply.

I was kind of expecting the cause that you described since I understand that the PDF format is an open standard created by Adobe but many developers market their own versions of PDF creators including the one I use from Nuance Corp.

So, it appears that the problem is with Paperport scanning/file management software that I use to create the PDF files I tried scanning the document using "gray scale" and "BW" but neither work. Could it be the toner used on those docs because, I can scan and transfer other docs successfully"?
It is usually the compression method used when creating the documents, especially some of the really efficient ones. If you have a choice of compression method, try adjusting that.

Thank you for your reply.

I was kind of expecting the cause that you described since I understand that the PDF format is an open standard created by Adobe but many developers market their own versions of PDF creators including the one I use from Nuance Corp.

So, it appears that the problem is with Paperport scanning/file management software that I use to create the PDF files I tried scanning the document using "gray scale" and "BW" but neither work. Could it be the toner used on those docs because, I can scan and transfer other docs successfully"?
Don't fight the iPad when it can't read a PDF file that any other PC can.
Just convert it to something the iPad
CAN chew

I personaly use PdfFactory Program (bought it long long time ago) to create PDF files from anything I want.
It is an additional Print Driver that I call when ever I need a PDF file, be it text or picture.
So. The App, instead of Printing, it is creating a PDF File.

Just Google the term "Print to PDF" Free download and you will find free programs doing the same.
That way, every time iPad is miss-behaving with some PDF file.
Just open it on your PC (in 100% it will be OK) and print it into becoming another PDF file.
Now for sure Apple's iPad will probably recognize it.
Like preparing a mashed meal to an elderly withnot teeth. :)
Have a look a Goodreader (try lite first). When installed iOS will let you select a document and "open with" and from there you can sync with a network share very easily.
Drop box is another option, but I haven't seen a really good network sharing utility other than Goodreader

Sent from my iPad using iPF

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