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synthesia for ipad?

A search for synthesia in the App Store turns up iPianoRoll, which looks similar if not as pretty.

Personally I'm doubting it would make an effective practice tool.
twerppoet said:
A search for synthesia in the App Store turns up iPianoRoll, which looks similar if not as pretty.

Personally I'm doubting it would make an effective practice tool.

You are so smart :)

I should have checked what Synthesia actually does.

Now that the app purpose is known, have I tried searching for a similar app, but with Midi input for connecting an electric piano, but without luck so far.
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You are so smart :)

I should have checked what Synthesia actually does.

I tried searching for a similar app, but with Midi input for connecting an electric piano, but without luck so far.

Just lazy. I always look for the easiest path first. :o

I saw an article recently for a full MIDI dock for the iPad. It looked pretty cool, and I seem to remember a couple of MIDI dongles (kind of like the Camera Kit). There is even a full MIDI keyboard with an iPad dock, if memory serves me. There must be some companion apps for them. I don't see how they would be of any use without.
twerppoet said:
Just lazy. I always look for the easiest path first. :o

I saw an article recently for a full MIDI dock for the iPad. It looked pretty cool, and I seem to remember a couple of MIDI dongles (kind of like the Camera Kit). There is even a full MIDI keyboard with an iPad dock, if memory serves me. There must be some companion apps for them. I don't see how they would be of any use without.

The camera connection kit works with USB Midi keyboards. I use it to record audio from a Kawai ES6 into GarageBand. So really all that is needed is for the app to pick up the input.

And yes, I also remember that iPad specific keyboard, but it wasn't one with 88 keys :(
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The camera connection kit works with USB Midi keyboards. I use it to record audio from a Kawai ES6 into GarageBand. So really all that is needed is for the app to pick up the input.

And yes, I remember that iPad keyboard, but it wasn't one with 88 keys :(

With USB? Cool, I've got a USB MIDI keyboard in storage. Maybe I should dig it and and play around a bit. Wonder if GarageBand on the iPad will recognize it? Well, I can dream, can't I? :)
twerppoet said:
With USB? Cool, I've got a USB MIDI keyboard in storage. Maybe I should dig it and and play around a bit. Wonder if GarageBand on the iPad will recognize it? Well, I can dream, can't I? :)


I should have specific which GarageBand, but yes, I only have the iPad version and that one does pick up sound over USB midi, it actually stores them as midi, so you can adjust the piano sounds after recording. Have fun dreaming :D
Ok, must go dig out the keyboard. Thanks! :D

And I should have remembered that you're not a Mac person, so iPad GarageBand would be your only version. My only excuse is that it's rather late over here.
The only workable solution I have come up with so far, is to connect the electric piano to a computer, run Synthesia from there and than use the iPad to remotely access the computer.

It would be nice to have a native app though.
If you still interest, I buy ipianoroll, and it sucks ... It just doesn't work, and the MIDI's (maybe the most important feature) neither work. Hope you don't spend money on that useless app, and if you find a good synthesia app you share it =).
Is there a way to use my ipad as the keyboard in synthesia? I downloaded virtuoso and I have my ipad connected to my computer but its not showing up as a keyboard. Is it possible?
I hesitate to dredge up such an old thread, but for anyone that is still interested, Synthesia for iPad is now available in the App Store.

(Disclosure: I'm the guy that makes Synthesia.) :)

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