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Tablet Massacre

Admiral, I suggest you paste a link instead to avoid two issues:

* The cutting and pasting of stories leads to gibberish where there should be bullets, quote marks, etc.

* Laws vary on fair use of copyrighted material, but it's generally illegal to cut and paste an entire article, book, etc. I don't imagine there will be lawyers pursuing this particular use, but forum owners who run legit businesses generally try to follow the law, and this is a good forum.
Understood. I thought links other than to YouTube and apple.com were verboten. Rules confuse me, which is why I've spent most of my life as an outlaw. Thanks for the tip.

AdmiralAdama said:
Understood. I thought links other than to YouTube and apple.com were verboten. Rules confuse me, which is why I've spent most of my life as an outlaw. Thanks for the tip.


Not all links are verboten, it's always good to link to the original article even if quoting it. Just try not to link to rival sites and/or blogs. If in any doubt, contact a forum Mod or Admin for advice.

Thanks to both of you, it's an interesting article Admiral and good point made by Kay.

The Archangel

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