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Testflight beta download


iPF Noob
Mar 19, 2021
Reaction score
United kingdom
iv used beta bfor with no problam BUT trying agen get it its saying no apps also not in neeed of testers is anybody else having same hassle Also wot email code or invite mean can anybody invite me
Testflight is an app that lets developers beta test their app with select users before they release the app on the App Store. You have to be invited by a developer to download and use their beta app. I have no idea if there are any developers on this forum, or if they have any apps they are beta testing in Testflight at this time.

This is completely different than downloading and using public betas of iOS/iPadOS. You can find instructions for that here:

How do i ask a developer ? I managed to get to Download Profile iv a pic of wot i mean but it dosnt download it


  • CDE18858-B52C-4E6D-A370-32EC412EB861.jpeg
    72.3 KB · Views: 54
Theres also a app i have used befor aswell Mediaboxhd anybody with an iphone got it ? I cud download it but my ios needed its update so i deleted it needed the memory space but then after ios update iv never bin able download it agen ,
Thank You everybody that
How you get an invite varies from developer to developer. There is no set method. Some advertise the opportunity on Twitter or other social media. Some do so on their own web sites. Some only invite known and/or trusted associates to test their app. Very few developers offer open test flight invites. They want people who will test their app and report on it, who can be expected to give detailed and reliable feedback. It's not something that they just throw open to the general public. Though I'm sure there are exceptions.

In general, access to apps in test flight is not available to the general public. Especially those who just want to use the app early. That's not the point of test flight.

For your second question, when an app becomes incompatible with a version of iOS, or the developer removes it from the App Store, you will no longer be able to view it on your device. Sometimes the developer removes an app for sale, but leaves it on the App Store. In that case, if you've purchased it before, you can see and re-download it under purchased apps in your App Store account. Tap on your account icon in the top right of the store to access your account options.

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