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Tethered Jailbreak for IOS 4.3 now available on Windows using Snowbreeze

I'm trying the tethered now. From what I've heard the untethered should come before next weekend. None of these will work for the iPad 2 though. I believe I just saw a video of the Comex dude showing off Cydia on an iPad 2. It's done, but no eta.

Well there ya go, a new exploit mustve been found already..lol. Any link to the vid? I figured Comex or muscle nerd would come up with somethin since Geohot too busy with Sony.
On another note, did u hear about the ruling in that case, Sony Is now, by law and judgement of judge, getting any and everybody's name whoever watched a Geohot YouTube vid, posted on it, went to geohots website, and people who downloaded the key code? Dayuuum...that will make all them involved in the case also as Sony won't hesitate to press charges on others found to distribute the ps3 key code or described how to hack it. So don't check out none of his stuff unless u want to be involved in the case also..lmfao
Check out the link below for more details on it:

So I said it was a video, my mistake. It's a picture, but still:

Yfrog Photo : yfrog.com/h2vharmj - Shared by chpwn

Also, I have enabled the multitasking gestures and yes it's totally doable! I love pinching apps closed. Here's an awesome link on how to input everything via Cydia's iFile:

iPad on 4.3(8F190) - iFans - iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch Fans forums

If you do everything correctly in post #9 then you have the multitasking gestures switch in your menu and all that. There are two minor errors in the coding though. One of the lines spelled multitasking incorrectly and the other is that I added one more space at the beginning of the first line in red. So basically the < in <dict> starts underneath the first r in <array>.
After reading the guide I have a question. I just purchased a new iPad 1. It has 3.2.2 on it. Downloaded tinyumbrella and there are no 4.2.1 blobs so I can't update to 4.3 and then downgrade to 4.2.1. So can I follow the guide and instead of building the 4.3 firmware can I use the 4.2.1 restore for ipad and update my firmware that way?
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I'm trying the tethered now. From what I've heard the untethered should come before next weekend. None of these will work for the iPad 2 though. I believe I just saw a video of the Comex dude showing off Cydia on an iPad 2. It's done, but no eta.
That could mean another 2 months. Cydia isn't working for 4.3 on iPad 1's yet.

But I have no doubt it will happen.

So I said it was a video, my mistake. It's a picture, but still:

Yfrog Photo : yfrog.com/h2vharmj - Shared by chpwn

Also, I have enabled the multitasking gestures and yes it's totally doable! I love pinching apps closed. Here's an awesome link on how to input everything via Cydia's iFile:

iPad on 4.3(8F190) - iFans - iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch Fans forums
I really don't see what a still picture proves... I mean I could display that right now with my iPad 2 using the Photos app.

But there is a video... that at least shows Cydia loading. So you were right the first time, there is a video:
[ame=http://img687.imageshack.us/i/9hz.mp4/]ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting[/ame]

I'm trying the tethered now. From what I've heard the untethered should come before next weekend. None of these will work for the iPad 2 though. I believe I just saw a video of the Comex dude showing off Cydia on an iPad 2. It's done, but no eta.
That could mean another 2 months. Cydia isn't working for 4.3 on iPad 1's yet.

But I have no doubt it will happen.


Cydia seems to be working ok on my ipad 1. No doubt things will be a little goofy, but I've installed some stuff without trouble so far.

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