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tethering to an Incredible


iPF Noob
I have a rooted droid incredible and use wifi tether. I cannot get the ipad to connect and get an ip address. It says it's connected but there is no address. It's not the phone because I tether to my laptop and it works fine. Is there something else I should try. I tried barnicle wifi as well and same result.
Was having issue connect with my rooted Droid too. I rebooted the phone and it connected fine. Since the latest update to Wireless Tether, no problems. There was an update to Superuser at the same time so that may have had something to do with it too.

Edit: I just connected to the Droid and noticed the auto join setting on the iPad was turned off. Turned it on and it immediately obtained the dns server and chirped at me.

Edit2: I must have been confused because I was still having trouble connecting but after flipping the auto connect to on I have connected four times in a row with no trouble at all. It grabs an ip and dns settings very quickly now. It was only grabbing an ip address before.

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Works fine on my Incredible. Although I am rooted, I'm using the native 3G wifi hotspot with some "tweaked" settings. I'd post a direct link to instructions but I need a few more posts before these forums will allow me to.

Thanks for the advice. I did the instructions but it still redirecting me to pay for hotspur. I then went back to wifi tether and now it works. I don't know why but it works now. It was connecting before but would not get any ip information from the phone. Now it works. Thanks for your time.
Sometimes I have to reboot my Droid before it will connect. It's not 100%. But it will eventually work.

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