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understand and noted
I think the worse that can happen is I will totally mess up getting all 3 iMessages in all 3 devices (I hope I am right about)
I can also consider paying the $70 to the guy on kiosk in front of the Apple store to fix my screen
But if I can fix this technical glitch, I will get it out of my system

Thanks again
Just to give an update ..... I ended up not switching the SIM card since I was about to get a "loner" phone from someone.... Although that has not happened yet, I started getting the iMessages for the "dead" phone on my iPad (but not the other phone) - good enough for now.
Lessens learned: no matter how much you count on your good luck, always get frequent backups (in iTunes and iCloud) and verify often that your setups are the was you intended them to be - Thanks

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