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Thanksgiving greetings


Staff member
I'd like to wish all our American members a very happy Thanksgiving.
In a column in our local paper, the 'menu' at the first Thanksgiving w/ the Pilgrims and Indians was discussed - also a nice discussion at the History Website - just a summary quoted below - fowl was definitely eaten, but many different types, possibly turkey. Potatoes or pumpkin pie were not served (explained in link). Dave :)

Fowl (ducks, geese, etc.) - turkey?
Fruits & vegetables - corn but not on the cob
Fish & shellfish
Potatoes & pumpkin pie not served
We had a delicious dinner of steak fajitas, chile relleno, and flan, from our favorite Mexican restaurant, left over from our 53rd wedding anniversary the day before. Much tastier than turkey!
Well, since Lanny brought up a Thanksgiving menu, we were alone this holiday but enjoyed! Susan roasted a guinea hen (meat between a chicken & turkey) which is a great size for two, along with a shared baked potato and peas + a bottle of California sparkling wine by from Gloria Ferrer - and a stored bought pumpkin pie which we baked. Dave :)

Screenshot 2024-11-30 at 8.07.33 PM.webp
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