No, i didnt know what to expect, so went there to check it out myself. all the items were brand new, with the lastest specs, the 2 mac book pro's were i5 processor, as with the imac, and the ipad3 new was 16 gb 3g, and the 3iphones 4s, 2 black and 1 white
the imac went for £700, so the buyers have to pay 20% (£140) on top, making it £840, in the apple shops the same thing is £999, a saving of £150, a right result
the 2 iphones went for £370 to 1 buyers, and the 2nd buyers got the last iphone for £350. 20% apply, same phones on the store are £499, AGAIN, GOOD RESULT
the macbook pro's, both went for £750, they are £999 in the store
there was drama with the ipads, one of them got stolen before the auction got started, the thief ripped the polythene of the ipad box, emptied the box and dissapeared, one of the staff found the empty box, the boss was not happy. they scrambled to lock the doors but it was a loss. the remaining 16gb, new ipad 3 with 3G went for £370, in the store they are £499