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The "Anything Goes" thread

How many posts does it take to get my listing up from iPad junkie?


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twerppoet said:

[*]iPF Noob 0
[*]iPF Novice 10
[*]iPad Fan 100
[*]iPad Enthusiast 300
[*]iPad Junkie 500
[*]iPad Addict 1000
[*]iPad Ninja 1500
[*]iPad Guru 2500
[*]iPF Super Guru 3500
[*]iPad Monger 4500
[*]iPad Wizard 6000
[*]iPF Expert 7500
[*]iPF Elite 9000
[*]iPF Legend 10000

There's no Majestic? ;)


Sent from my iPhone using iPF
I think there should be something for 15,000, but chances are by the time you reached that level you've either become a moderator or gone blind from staring at the screen too much.
I still stare at my 128D


  • image-3347026253.jpg
    42.3 KB · Views: 96
Hayles66 said:
Yes, that's exactly what I thought. He's just cruel. So many flavours too. We only ever have 3 flavours in uk
Do you guys have Fritos? I loved them in SA.
Sent from my new iPad using iPF

Hayles, we do sell Fritos, two flavours.

Hayles66 said:
There you go again Scifan.

Doritos cruelty. There is a fine for that you know!

Sent from my new iPad using iPF

Hayles, do you think Scifan is Canada's answer for Gary Linekar? :D

BTW, check out Walkers Crisps to see what I'm alluding to ;)

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
Hayles66 said:
Don't need to. I know exactly what you mean

Oh hell yes!!

Sent from my new iPad using iPF

The BTW was for our cousins across the pond and in other far flung corners .....

I just Googled the Walkers ads for 2012. The article in the Mail online is good, especially the first photo! :)


Then, this clip sits in rather nicely with the current posts, and should appeal to music followers ;)

Check out this video on YouTube:

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
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That's hilarious. I haven't seen this. I don't watch much telly nowadays. My iPad sees more of me!!!!

Sent from my new iPad using iPF
One time, in school, there was this dude, and my friend told me that he used to go into the middle of the road, take his shirt off, dance, wait for a car to come, and when a car came he would jump up and run after the car screaming, leaving the people in the car confused and freaked out. Lol.

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