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The Cloud...


Sorry for what may seem some silly questions. I hope I am posting in the right place.

I have an ipad 3 and iphone 5. I am enjoying the use of the cloud - pictures coming up on both devices etc.

What I am unsure of is what the cloud actually DOES.

Does it keep a back up of all of my music? If my ipad was to break, would I lose all that music? Or is it in the cloud, waiting to be redownloaded? Or should I be making my own backups - and if so, how is best to do this? Same with movies. I want to start downloading movies 'offically' (although apple seem to charge A LOT!) but I don't want to risk losing everything I have paid for if it goes wrong!

Thanks for any advice!

Almost everything you buy in one of Apple's iStores can be downloaded again for free. It is considered part of the iCloud service, but does not take up any of your storage allotment.

Here is my collection of links about iCloud. They should answer most of your questions.

Apple - iCloud - Your content. On all your devices.

Apple - Support - iCloud

Using your Apple ID for Apple services

iCloud: Backup and restore overview

Apple - iCloud - Learn how to set up iCloud on all your devices.

Apple - iTunes - Match

iCloud: Photo Stream FAQ

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