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The influence of the iPad


iPF Noob
Because of the importance of tablets, Verizon has announced that they are completely gutting their existing data packages and going to new bundle plans that should be more popular. The primary effect is that you start with a package and then pay $10 to the package to include a tablet in the data plan. Hotspots are $20 more, I think. The word is also out that AT&T is also planning the same thing.
It just sounds more expensive to me. I may drop by smartphone when my contract runs out. I'm on wifi most of the time and mobile charges and data caps/meters are just no fun.
Hello fellow Oklahoman

Would be nice for AT&T to offer a better data plan. I'm with AT&T

You'd probably end up paying more under a new plan than on an older one, unless you signed up recently. People on old rate plans still pay less than what new customers do, and there's no AT&T incentive to charge older customers even less than it already does.

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