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The Inglorious Warriorsâ„¢ Alliance


iPF Noob
Official invitation to The Inglorious Warriorsâ„¢ - [Must Apply for Alliance ID]

The I.W.A. is an independently founded elite military alliance.*

Alliance members must have only HIGH: Current Level, Kill %, Raid % and Missions Success %.*

Recruits for The I.W.A. are chosen mathematically - Calculating essential player data, history and other statistical factors.

The I.W.A. member database is constantly moderated; monitoring new recruits, analyzing existing member progress and also removing unresponsive and unsuccessful members in order to constantly improve alliance strength and overall superior power structure.

The I.W.A. is by invitation only:

If you are interested in joining and you meet all of the alliance requirements,
Please send me a Forum P.M. ( Personal Message )
or Personal Email ( ModernWar [at] wpredux [dot] com. )
Including your player stat sheet.*( Level, Wins, Losses, Raids, Fails, etc. )

1. If you are recruited - You will be sent the Official Inglorious Warriors Alliance Identification Number.

2. If you are denied - You will be told why and you can apply again once you have gained experience, improved stats, etc.*

Thank You for Your Time,

Modern War Handle: Aldrich

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