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The iPad - For Absolute Beginners

If I misspell a word how do I get into the word without having to hit the arrow and delete the entire word to the point if my error?
The cursor will appear where you touch the screen. Sometimes backing up is easier than touching precisely!
iluvmyipad said:
If I misspell a word how do I get into the word without having to hit the arrow and delete the entire word to the point if my error?

If (like me) you have trouble hitting the precise spot, try increasing the size by spreading thumb and forefinger on the screen.
How do I search for something on websites? Just like you can use ctrl+f on a PC.

If you're using Safari and Google, then you'll find that, if you type a search item into the Search box, you'll see that - at the bottom of the list - there's an 'On this page' item. Select that and it will show you the items that match from the page you're looking at. They'll also be a 'Next', 'Previous' box at the bottom left hand corner of the page to continue the search....

I am a new user iPad. The information is useful. I will have to go through the whole forum before I can put my doubts here. Thank you.

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