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The Official I got my iPad 2 Thread!

I've had mine a couple of weeks.

I just found there is a tutorial.

In this it says you can connect it to a PCM via the USB cable supplied.

Only I can't see that one came with it (I bought it new in a store).

Do they mean the connector lead that is used for charging it?

Hi and welcome to the Forum!

Yes, that is the USB cable they speak of.

Cute avatar btw.
Mine is still going strong!!

Sent from my WiFi Only Black 64GB iPad with Retina Display in NYC using Tapatalk HD
[SUB][/SUB][SUB][SUP]I am the proud owner of an official iPad Rev2, actually purchased 2 of them about a year ago 3 months after th Rev-3 came out thus I only paid around $300.00 ea for them,
Verizon + WiFi
64 GB
Jail Broke
and I love it.

I also have a iPhone 4 its amazing cell phone for use and surfing social media like facebook, Hi5, Google plus and whatsapp.
Just got my ipad 2 today from my aunt, love it!

Hi detroitwillfall, and welcome to the forum. There are many people on this forum enjoying their iPad2 as I'm sure you will too. Love your user name, whilst hoping that won't happen to that great city;)

Sent from Oz using Tapatalk

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