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The Official Ipad 3 Accessories Thread

I took a gamble and walked into a Radio Shack last Thursday, and bought the Ipad2 version of the Targus VersaVu and it fits just fine on my 3. I noticed one difference between this and the new one is the number of grooves for positioning the tablet (2 for the ipad2 version and 3 for the ipad 3rd gen). Still, it's a nice case and I even had a little magnet that I stuck on it for kicks to have it turn off the display when I close it.
Nice :D

I'll add it! I don't remember why I didn't.. I think someone said it didn't fit on theirs or something..
Nice :D

I'll add it! I don't remember why I didn't.. I think someone said it didn't fit on theirs or something..

Cool. I remember mention of it being 50-50 I think but then maybe the mention meant the VuScape, which seems to have others indicate that it doesn't fit... Mine snapped right into the VersaVu and spins smoothly. All of the cutouts including the camera, seem fine.
Sprintina said:
Cool. I remember mention of it being 50-50 I think but then maybe the mention meant the VuScape, which seems to have others indicate that it doesn't fit... Mine snapped right into the VersaVu and spins smoothly. All of the cutouts including the camera, seem fine.

Oh yeah that could be it. Just getting mixed up with the V's :D
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clockworks said:
My Yoobao iPad 2 case does not work with my iPad 3. The magnets are not strong enough (or are in the wrong place) to lock/wake my iPad 3. Very disappointed, because I like that case.

Best Selling Yoobao iPad 2 Smart Leather Folio Case V3 With Magnetic Closure and Hibernation

I have the same problem. However my Yoobao iPad 2 case works with the iPad 3, but the new Yoobao case doesn't work on the iPad 3. Go figure. I too, am disappointed because I dint need to spend $30 on a new Yoobao case when my old one works fine.
I am looking for a portfolio type case for my new iPad which will lie flat when the front cover is folded over to the back. I would also love to have one with the magnets that put the iPad to sleep, but I have read that they are now in a different place, so after market brands are not working for the most part. That is not as important to me as having it lie flat in a vertical position. Any suggestions?
Cathart said:
I am looking for a portfolio type case for my new iPad which will lie flat when the front cover is folded over to the back. I would also love to have one with the magnets that put the iPad to sleep, but I have read that they are now in a different place, so after market brands are not working for the most part. That is not as important to me as having it lie flat in a vertical position. Any suggestions?

The new Bear Motion for the new iPad. Check amazon but be sure to get the new one so the the magnets work correctly.
Best advise for all new iPad 3 owners just to wait a couple months and watch. Odds are you'll be much happier with the case finally settle on. So just take a breath give it 60 days and see what comes up

I used to be all thumbs now I'm all gums I love dictating my posts!
merrazu said:
The incase magnetic snap case for ipad2 works perfectly on the ipad3. Got it for 39.99 at best buy.

Yeah I saw this the other day when i was in there looking around. I'll add it on :) thanks!
For those who are waiting, what are you doing for the time being? I have a pin point sized dent in the back of my new iPad.. Im a nervous wreckk touching it without a case.... my 4 year old is dying to play her games on it but I dont dare let her touch it.... Im not happy with any of the cases I have come across so I would like to wait....
A dent?.. that's not good =/

Smart cover paired with my belkin snap shield gen2. I'll use that until my blue snap shield secure preorder gets fulfilled. Then switch it out.
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