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The openness of android...

Demandarin said:
ILike I said before, I think Microsoft is the only one who could truly pull this off, if they want. The only company with more money, experience, and apps to knock apple off.

Given Apple's strategic position with the iPad - first-mover advantage, one year's head start, fully integrated vertically (i.e. they control R&D, hardware, software and sales), plus brand and market strength - I don't know if anyone would (let alone could) want to take them on. Given that Microsoft are not a hardware vendor (nor do they have the physical distribution chain like Apple Stores), they would be facing a uphill task.
Why is it that android defenders always differentiate between rooting an android device and jailbreaking an iOS.....is there really any difference?

I don't think I was making a distinction, but yes there is a major difference. Jailbreaking an ios device let's you do some cute things with the os. Rooting let's you do those things, but also let's you install completely new roms which are optimized for either battery life or performance or which bring amazing new features. Also allows you to modify core elements of the os and allows you to actually control the hardware through overclocking/undervolting or adjust the temperature of your display or adjust the amplification of your sound processor, all through apps in the os.
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Thphilli said:
I don't think I was making a distinction, but yes there is a major difference. Jailbreaking an ios device let's you do some cute things with the os. Rooting let's you do those things, but also let's you install completely new roms which are optimized for either battery life or performance or which bring amazing new features. Also allows you to modify core elements of the os and allows you to actually control the hardware through overclocking/unndervolting or asjust the temperatyre of your display or adjust the amplification of your sound processor, all through apps in the os.

This is true of android devices. I had my win mo phone, Tilt, dual booting into xdandroid froyo 2.2 from reefermatness. My phone stock ran about 500 MHz. With Android booted up, I had it over clocked to 765mhz and even a lil higher. Over clocking was easy to do by editing the startup txt before booting up android. They even added over clocking option in boot loader app if u wanted. A ton of trial n error messing around with Android rooted. Busy box enables lots of possibilities.

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)

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