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The real reason ipad does not have flash?

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Odd, I watch Hulu just fine on the iPad.
Pretty soon I`ll be streaming it if I have the need.

It was obvious to me that Flash was a bloated unstable resource hog even back when I was a Windows user.

The irony is that I could never find a stable platform to run downloaded Flash content until I got on a Mac and installed Perian.

As for Comcast, I ditched them years ago for cable TV and just as soon as Verizon runs that FIOS cable down my street they`ll be totally out of my life.
Corrupt corporate asswipes for sure.

I have verizon fios and it's nice. but I still want to some day just stream everything and save money. I just want Internet. television is so terribly expensive and I never watch all those 900 channels. wish I could just have hd channels, my most watched channels and that be my package. a la carte would be so nice. oh well
It's pretty simple, apple doesn't want you to be able to stream tv or videos for free as that would hurt itunes movies and shows sales. Also they would not sell as many games because there are tons of free flash games. This is the main reason for not doing it because would you really buy shows if you could just use hulu for free. This whole excuse it kills the battery or takes up alot of memory is just crazy.

Anyway comcast might create an app that uses their xfinity site and that alone with be the best app ever for the ipad. It's like hulu but better no ads and you get to watch all the networks including hbo, showtime, cinemax, etc. Whatever you have at home pretty much.

It's so funny to hear people who really know nothing about the web talk about how html5 is better and flash will be history very soon. Ask any web designer if he thinks flash is going anywhere anytime soon. Apple will bring flash to the ipad when android picks up and people see their tablets running flash with no problem.

Here we go again.

[insert "beating a dead horse" graphic here]
A wise man said you can lead a horse to water several times if it still won't drink you shoot it....
But every month, someone starts this debate/argument/whining up again.

The iPad technically doesn't support Flash and doesn't plan to. Why keep bemoaning the lack of Flash?

I've only come up against 2-3 sites I've visited that used Flash, and I surf around a lot on the iPad, and hardly ever open my laptop up at home any more.

Lack of Flash is not an experience killer. You just find ways around it, go to a computer to look at the site, or move on.
[insert "beating a dead horse" graphic here]

Done! :)

This subject is old and guys as numbock said the thread is very close to being closed also I totally agree with Hook " regarding looking for trouble....". We welcome informative threads and posts but please think before you start a thread or make replies to posts and more importantly search the forums.
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Html5 is inferior because there is no way to make applications with it without any code, like you can with flash. I think that soon adobe will add support to flash cs6 to allow creation of html5 objects then I think html5 will start to become more popular. I am aware that html5 doesn't support all of the features of flash but soon it will be very close.
If you don't believe html5 has a future just look at a website called cloud canvas, you won't believe it is a website let alone doesn't use flash.
You just have a crappy attitude and have to bitch about something new every day, don't you?

Funny, cause I stream off Vimeo, YouTube, NetFlix, Hulu+, my own media at home... And BBC soon too. And ABC. The list could keep going, but I think the point about streaming on the iPad has been made. But, how am I doing that without flash on the iPad? I must be in an alternate universe.

Dang dude did I break your apple heart, anyway just telling the truth I'm not complaining. Netflix, Hulu+ cost money so that's different you pay for that. And your home media has nothing to do with flash. Flash is a way to do and get stuff for free. Hulu alone would hurt itunes sales so much. Anyway I'm sorry just stating the facts so people don't argue how bad it is for performance ok. Calm down steve jobs is not god or mine at least, it's ok if he lies every once in a while. It's like he's lying to his kids for their benifit, make you feel like flash sucks.

Interesting that I stream all the flash content I want from home using Splashtop...but of course if what you say is true I'm sure apple wouldnt let something like that onto their device! OH Wait, they did.
It's pretty simple, apple doesn't want you to be able to stream tv or videos for free as that would hurt itunes movies and shows sales. Also they would not sell as many games because there are tons of free flash games. This is the main reason for not doing it because would you really buy shows if you could just use hulu for free. This whole excuse it kills the battery or takes up alot of memory is just crazy.

Anyway comcast might create an app that uses their xfinity site and that alone with be the best app ever for the ipad. It's like hulu but better no ads and you get to watch all the networks including hbo, showtime, cinemax, etc. Whatever you have at home pretty much.

It's so funny to hear people who really know nothing about the web talk about how html5 is better and flash will be history very soon. Ask any web designer if he thinks flash is going anywhere anytime soon. Apple will bring flash to the ipad when android picks up and people see their tablets running flash with no problem.

I agree 100%.

Apple should change its name to Propitiatory. If they can't control it, they don't include it. To me, the iPad is useless for browsing the web without flash. I never use it for that.

Funny, I use it for surfing the web daily with zero problems. Never an issue. Huh. Guess I'm doing something wrong.
We're about one more 'idiot' or 'tard' away from locking this thread and issuing some infractions for personal attacks.

Keep it civil.

Folks, when a moderator makes a "suggestion" like this, its not really a suggestion! We are telling you as politely as possible what you need to do in order to keep a thread open and avoid receiving an infraction or worse.

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