iPF Noob
Is anyone or has anyone encountered their town rearranged??!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh I lost everything!!! And now can't even sign in it crashes when I sign in!! If any one experienced it let me know a couple thing. 1- how many friends did u have. U can check this by loging into another eagame like the monopoly game ...etc. And 2- what level? Just curiouse so I will be cautiouse on how many friends I add bus after 40 friends. My town started acting really funny Oh I was level 9.
With that being said. Add my new account. Level 6 and going strong!!! My username is Batcock. Again that's Batcock. Yes I know. I know. Anywho. Cheers see you in Springfield my fellow sprinfieldians!!
Batcock .
With that being said. Add my new account. Level 6 and going strong!!! My username is Batcock. Again that's Batcock. Yes I know. I know. Anywho. Cheers see you in Springfield my fellow sprinfieldians!!
Batcock .