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The Truth about the Ipad

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Wow..lmao..this thread is entertaining. The ipad suits me well considering how much i use to bash Apple b4 i got my Ipad. Its about the speed and portability of the device. If u know how to problem solve, then most things can be done on ipad. Even if its a workaround.
By the way the ipad can make phone calls, moderator. Download free whisper phone app from app store. Gives ur ipad its own number and allows free forwarding to ur cell, if u choose. ;-)
Haha hook I can see you now on a train ipad up to your ear calling home with every one on the floor laughing
I quite frankly have shifted quite a bit of time that I normally spent on my laptop. I'm an engineer and so CAD work is restricted to the laptop but for pretty much everything else my preference is to do it on the iPad. Virtually, 85% of my web surfing is on the iPad. This has more to do with where I web surf. On the couch with the iPad is quite natural and comfortable than with a laptop. Lying in bed a night with the iPad propped up on my stomach without disturbing my wife sleeping next to me. Strangely she used to get upset if I brought the laptop to bed. The fact that with the laptop, I would situp so I could see the keyboard versus lying flat on my back with the iPad somehow makes a difference to her.
Sitting at Starbucks and reading the newspaper or grabbing it quickly to do a quick search for anything. Which brings up another advantage over a laptop. Instant on. This feature has solved a problem for me that I have been searching forever. My goal was to be able to go to business meetings and takes notes and be able to review them at any time on my cellphone. I have tried the Palm and folding keyboard stuff. I eagerly waited for the Palm Foleo that never made it. The key feature for such a device had to be instant on. Even the net book with flash drives and stripped Windows doesn't fit the bill. The iPad has solved my problem better than I could have imagined. I use an app called Soundnote to simply record the meeting. Any notes I do take are matched with time in the recording. I simply make little bullet notes and later listen to the recording only in the areas of my bullet notes. I then compile my notes in an app called Evernotes which then syncs to my PC, iPhone and even my Mac at home. Evernotes is quite powerful and matches up adequately to what I used to use which was MS Onenote. What Evernote doesn't have is completely made up on it's ability to sync in these various platforms. The ability to be able to review my notes when those times arise when my wife says "I just need to go into this shop and get one more thing" and I say "Take your time Dear, I'll just sit here and wait for you to come out". Improves my relationship not too mention my productivity.
great write up... BUT... i don't miss bootup time(1) and noisy-ass fans(2). I saw an article for a tablet based on some mobile form of windows 7 and all I could think of was "viruses and bootup". Who wants either?
great write up... BUT... i don't miss bootup time(1) and noisy-ass fans(2). I saw an article for a tablet based on some mobile form of windows 7 and all I could think of was "viruses and bootup". Who wants either?

Ipad could get a virus but apple must approve every app, if windows did the same you would have less viruses.
Guys leave him alone. It is HIS thread and he can say what he wants about his iPad Review. It is his opinion and 98% of it is quite correct.

So either leave a useful AND FRIENDLY comment or bugger off.
Guys leave him alone. It is HIS thread and he can say what he wants about his iPad Review. It is his opinion and 98% of it is quite correct.

So either leave a useful AND FRIENDLY comment or bugger off.

Of course the OP is entitled to his opinion. And others are entitled to theirs. If a comment has a little satirical humor, I don't see anything wrong with it. Telling people to bugger off however really isn't necessary.
Fatal...I hope you don't feel that it's a bad thing for Apple to screen apps. I for one say "God bless" Apple for doing just that. I love a device that allows me to bank comfortably even after visiting every porn site known to man...:D
Google screens apps as well, just not to the same strict guidelines as Apple. But this is due to the open source nature of Android. Google welcomes apps that take advantage of the OS to make it do things it wasn't originally designed for, Apple does not.
I do not intend to get into an argument here however point of sale custom apps and apps used by Mercedes for sales staff plus insurance agencies form completion plus restaurant ordering system and many many more are examples of taking advantage of the operating system for the ipad, iphone, ipod touch and it is more than what the consumer can do at the current level unless they want a custom application. Maybe you should explain what type of applications you mean as your statement is too broad and frankly does not make sense as you have provided no examples. The above was not what Apple promoted the iPad could be used for it took smart developers and companies interested in improving their productivity and reducing the use of paper and to look at the iPad and Apple,s iOS and develop applications to do this, further more which I feel is important major corporations are as one would say are pushing the envelope to get as much out of the Apple iOS as they can.
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I don't need to provide examples, just do a quick Google search and you will see Apple has blocked several apps from the app store that would have undermined it's own software. Google Voice comes to mind right away, but there are several others.
Oh ok but I have google voice installed on both the iPad and my iPhone so I am confused. Go to iTunes or the web site
Google Mobile App
Search Google using your voice.*. For iPad and iPhone
I know its available now, but it was declined multiple times over the last two years because Apple didn't want it doing something that the iPhone already did.

For comparison, Android phones have had it approved since early 2009.
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