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Things that drive you crazy about the iPad

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Of course, and I have but I'm technical. What about the simple user? They're just restricted, and what's worse, they never know it, so much of the potential is lost...

The simple user you describe will not need to "share files" or do the extensive work you were referring to. You are describing your issues, not a simple user's issues.

If they "never know it" then there is no problem for that user.

You are making the assumption that everyone is buying the iPad as some kind of Desktop or Laptop replacement - something for which it was never intended.

Then why would one spend 500 and up for it? Even casual users need file system access and full web browsing capability. You can buy a screamin PC laptop for under $700 right now so it makes no sense to buy an iPad with huge limitations for most people looking for a portable computer.

Don't get me wrong iPad is a very cool device for all of the apps and form factor, but most users did not buy it thinking they were just getting an oversized iPhone. Lots of purchasers returned the iPad when they discovered it's limitations, and that's why there is little criticism of them on users forums. I think Apple needs to deviate their iOS to tailor it to the tablet, which what appears to be happening with the 4.2 release.

(sent from my iPad) - but it took 5x longer because you can't touch type on the QWERTY screen keypad, grumble grumble...
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Then why would one spend 500 and up for it? Even casual users need file system access and full web browsing capability. You can buy a screamin PC laptop for under $700 right now so it makes no sense to buy an iPad with huge limitations for most people looking for a portable computer.

(sent from my iPad) - but it took 5x longer because you can't touch type on the QWERTY screen keypad, grumble grumble...

I am not a casual user. I use computers on the high end every day. In fact, I was very critical of the iPad the first time I picked it up in the store. I thought it was just crazy that Apple made a device this large with an os for something no larger than their iPhone or Touch.

I don't need to have a file system in order to work with documents and photos and other files. From the current apps I use, everything I need and expect from an internet consumption device is handled. Even without Jailbreaking.

Again, I don't expect to ever use an iPad in my work flow for either photography or film editing. Viewing? Yes. Editing? No.

Assuming people think or want the same thing is just nuts. I got it to have a device that would easily travel and maintain a consistent connection. After publishing an entire blog with photos while on vacation in Scotland for 16 days using only a Blackberry Curve, I never want to do that again on a device that small. However, I didn't want to add another 10# of weight by carrying my laptop, power supply, bags and other things that go with it. That trip is what sold me on something like an iPad. I got home, borrowed a friend's after groveling (since I made fun of him) and a few days after that, I became an owner.

When people have unreasonable (maybe not the best word, but my thesaurus isn't working) expectations and assumptions, it is not the designers' fault.

As for taking "5 times longer" it just takes practice. I will say, I have turned off the "autocorrect" feature.
I can understand where you are coming from, but most people are not looking for an 'additional' device at $700 (mid-range). At this price you could easily have a full blown PC laptop, but of course not nearly so compact. Think of those who can only afford -one- device; which would you choose? The iPad in it's current configuration is a luxury device with mostly 'cool gadget' uses. There needs to be more substance to it as a PC before it will ever seriously compete with the laptop PC market in the long term.

If a tablet can't do most everything a laptop PC is capable of, then it does not make sense for most PC users because they would have to drag along an additional, likely older laptop to get their job done. The OP was a prime example of this. It was suggested he back up to a PC before using the iOS as a presentation device because it has weak filesharing capability. This is precisely the reason why the iOS needs filesharing! And websites that use streaming flash to display realtime data is the reason why a flash plugin is needed; but Jobs is more worried about censoring/blocking porn than improving the USEFULNESS of the device.
The iPad is not a PC replacement device. It is not a Tablet PC. It just isn't and it was never billed as such.

As for disabling Flash support in favor of "blocking porn" (nice assumption, BTW) it doesn't block porn. We just had to seize and wipe an iPad from someone here at work who had logged 15 hours on y o u p o r n. Funny, why would he be on that long if it didn't work? And yes, he was let go and escorted out.

Techies have a habit of assuming everyone will be using a device for the same reasons they are. If the iPad was so bad, why is it one of the fastest selling device in recent history?

All that being said
Yes, I wish I had better file structure
Yes, I would like to see Flash added, but for 99% of what I go to, Flash isn't needed.
Yes, multitasking will be nice with iOS4 - I want to use my IM without exiting every time.
Yes, I want to utilize BT for more than speakers/headphones.
Flash, Flash and more Flash.

In my light use of the iPad I have been constantly "held up" by the need for Flash.
Many websites keep telling me that "Flash is required to view blah blah".
What are the things that drive you crazy about this mostly magical device?
Things that disappoint me about the iPad:-

1. No file manager
2. No SD card or USB drive slot
3. No video output of "desktop"
4. No printer support
5. Airprint will require a new printer
6. No GPS on WiFi model
7. Limited Bluetooth services (e.g. no GPS/serial port)
8. No Flash (can't access all the sites that I need to)
9. Text selection/copy/paste can be very frustrating (cursor keys would help)
10. Web page navigation (small hyperlinks)
11. Limited photo file management (I don't mean photo editing)

I think the the iPad is pretty cool but these points need attention.
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The iPad is not a PC replacement device. It is not a Tablet PC. It just isn't and it was never billed as such.

As for disabling Flash support in favor of "blocking porn" (nice assumption, BTW) it doesn't block porn. We just had to seize and wipe an iPad from someone here at work who had logged 15 hours on y o u p o r n. Funny, why would he be on that long if it didn't work? And yes, he was let go and escorted out.

Techies have a habit of assuming everyone will be using a device for the same reasons they are. If the iPad was so bad, why is it one of the fastest selling device in recent history?

At it's price it should be a PC replacement device. Most people don't expect to get an oversized iPhone for 5-900 bucks. I don't see how it was not billed as a PC replacement, have you seen the marketing? Both TV and website shows the iPad as a fully functional device and does nothing to point out any limitations. Apple had an FTC complaint because early advertisements showed the iPad with websites that use flash displaying flash content, which they promptly removed from those ads. They bill the iWork suite as fully functional and capable of utilizing MS Office documents, when it is well known that it is far from capable in both areas. This is not marketing as a PC replacement?

I was trying to point out that there is content restriction on iPad relative to the real world of full access to the web. Apple took lots of heat for not censoring content on the app store a couple of years back and it is still with them. While I don't think it was the primary reason to omit flash, I do think it was part of the equation to keep most content on the app store and thereby control what can and cannot be viewed on an iPad. I have no sympathy for the person you escorted out of your workplace; but I also believe in freedom of press, media, etc., and the iPad is not a 'freedom' of content device.

There is a cult following of apple Mac and iPhone users that 'gotta have it', and that explains the first year popularity of the iPad since it is a new device release by apple. If apple can't bridge the gap between device and PC with it soon, sales will drastically decline once the initial demand has been met.
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What are the things that drive you crazy about this mostly magical device?
Things that disappoint me about the iPad:-

1. No file manager
2. No SD card or USB drive slot
4. No printer support
8. No Flash (can't access all the sites that I need to)
9. Text selection/copy/paste can be very frustrating (cursor keys would help)
10. Web page navigation (small hyperlinks)

I think the the iPad is pretty cool but these points need attention.

I completely agree, but for the above consider the following work arounds:

USB Disk app for file management.
Apple port adapters for SD card and USB drives (plugs in to the I/O port)
Apps on app store currently to allow wifi printing (I have not tried this)
Keep hoping apple will come to their senses on flash!! Otherwise consider a web server app that will host flash and resend as html5 or maybe consider a jailbreak?
Use the zoom feature for text selection and hyperlink selection.
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I just bought Atomic Browser based on what people in here said about it. So I go to make it my default browser. I spent an hour on this only to find out I can't make it my default browser. Now that drives me crazy, beca use just about everything I do from my iPad is related to something that will come from an email or an IM.:(

It was only a buck but had I of known that I wouldn't have purchased it.
ipad has meet every wish that i wanted in a travel device ..it lightwieght ..--good battery life ..---great screen colors..---Wireless set up.. ---simple to use..---great applications on the market for it to use...---good accessories items that can found for the unit without a lot of searching for them ..

now my one basic complaint is the fact that you have to connect to itunes to up load updates into the applications ..

so you can not basically load a file or string of data saight into the ipad applications without haveing to go through itunes first to get the application to knowage the data that was inputted into the program ..

sereval times i do this at a book store done a light entry into the book library under new books section of the program that say to enter the name of the book and aurther of the book into the section to save it .so i can go back to the program and fill out more about the aurther and the book ..but in a search the lastest book that you have enter into the program will not come up intill you go through itunes program and do that way ..this really tiresome in a way ..it is as long as 40 mins up to two hours of long strings of data entry into the programs to get the update infomation onto the program .. ..

there has to be another way for the data input without haveing to use itunes to get the program to remember the book and the aurther in the application ..
Finger prints

About 80% of this can be fixed with an anti glare screen protector, but I agree Apple should make these anti glare to begin with.

As to file sharing, I agree it should be there. Right now if the apps are tools and data were building materials, you could only use the hammer with nails and only with nails that hammer is designed for. Pretty big limitation.

But the real reason Apple will be forced to reconsider the file system design is because their competitors don't have the limitation, and that will trump everything very soon. Android came along with multitasking and suddenly the iPhone has it too.

Competition is good.
I used to say the same about Flash - however, in the last month of heavy use, I have not missed flash one bit. What about Flash is so important?

Would be interesting to know what about Flash "everyone" needs so much.

I am a freelance writer. My iPad should enable me to work anywhere. However my online publishing house requires I only use photos from their photo library... which is powered by Flash... which means I cannot complete my assignments w/o reverting back to a PC.
That is only one instance why I would like to see Flash available for anyone that wants to install it. Why should Apple say I can't?
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