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Third Party Keyboards for Ipad

I have to say that the Apple keyboard has improved with the 8.1.2 update, but I have also tried Fleksy.

I liked the number line on the keyboard - and also that you can select the size of the keyboard. Even with the number row it is smaller than the default Apple keyboard on screen and is still totally usable.

BUT I just can't get comfortable with the "allow full access" situation no matter what the Privacy Policy states. Nor do I think the keyboard is particularly reliable in when it pops up.

Fortunately I see Apple now have a 14 day refund policy on AppStore purchases - at least in the UK - in line with our distance selling regulations, so I have already cancelled the purchase, deleted the app & received a refund.
I would like to point out that you can use most of Flesky's features without enabling the 'full access' mode. That's how I used it.
I'm curious how many have tried third party keyboards for the Ipad and if so, how you feel about them. I have tried free Swiftkey and bought Swype to try. Swiftkey may be a bit better than the native Apple keyboard as predictive and corrective on the Ipad but I admit I tend to just use the native new Apple predictive keyboard with the predictive words dropped so I don't see them since I am both a fast touch typist on the screen and a good speller and the predictive part actually slows me down, However, others may like Swiftkey as it appears to me it does a good job. Gestures are not available on the Ipad, whereas they are on the Iphone (i.e., swiping)

I tried Swype on the ipad first and found it pretty easy to use (though I have yet to watch the tute on capitalization and punctuation LOL) BUT there is too much arm movement to suit me on the Ipad. I rather like it on the 5S where I had been using the mic on the keyboard when I could so I didn't have to type.

So, in the end I'm using the native Apple keyboard and deleted all third party keyboards from my Ipad Air. I do occasionally use my Apple BT keyboard or the keyboard mic which is very nice now to use with the text appearing as you speak.
I'm curious how many have tried third party keyboards for the Ipad and if so, how you feel about them. I have tried free Swiftkey and bought Swype to try. Swiftkey may be a bit better than the native Apple keyboard as predictive and corrective on the Ipad but I admit I tend to just use the native new Apple predictive keyboard with the predictive words dropped so I don't see them since I am both a fast touch typist on the screen and a good speller and the predictive part actually slows me down, However, others may like Swiftkey as it appears to me it does a good job. Gestures are not available on the Ipad, whereas they are on the Iphone (i.e., swiping)

I tried Swype on the ipad first and found it pretty easy to use (though I have yet to watch the tute on capitalization and punctuation LOL) BUT there is too much arm movement to suit me on the Ipad. I rather like it on the 5S where I had been using the mic on the keyboard when I could so I didn't have to type.

So, in the end I'm using the native Apple keyboard and deleted all third party keyboards from my Ipad Air. I do occasionally use my Apple BT keyboard or the keyboard mic which is very nice now to use with the text appearing as you speak.
I too have found that swift key , swipe and the native key boards all have
a thing or two different to each of their advantages ,example : swiftkey is faster on the keys than swype or the native, and swypes slide key is a better function than swift key or native ( which native has no slide key feature of any kind ). But the one thing that they dont have in common with the native is the PRIVACY , . im not a fast typer as a matter of fact i type a lightning speed of like 7 er 9 wpm .... hahuhu.... Im also not
paranoid in what i do on my ipad , but i do support ones right to privacy and when you use some of the third party apps its risky at best.Im pleased with the native and it works for me. Oh by the way do yall think i could get a 2nd job as a court stenographer with that lightning speed ?

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