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This ipad cannot be used because the required software is not installed?


iPF Noob
Hello Ipad users,

Just got a new Ipad 2 FW 4.3.3 three days ago to be exact. First day I sync to my Old PC running on WinXP Home edtion SP 3 it sync pefectly fine got to download 4 apps and transfer to my Ipad 2 with no issues.

Now that I try to connect to my pc using only Usb ports 2.0 it has the message: This ipad cannot be used because the required software is not installed. Run iTunes installer remove iTunes, then install iTunes again.

So I remove iTunes and install iTunes again reboot and still same meassage?
I havent try to reset the iPad 2 because I might lose the FW 4.3.3 correct me if I am wrong on that.

I have not updated to the new FW because Well you guys know why I want to stay on a Firmware version 4.3.3 haha By the way my iPad 2 is not JB not yet ;)

Help Guys Thanks in Advance :)
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Can you say a little bit more...it's the part of your post where you say "using only USB ports 2.0" that has me confused. Is this now a different PC that you're trying to connect to?

Can you say a little bit more...it's the part of your post where you say "using only USB ports 2.0" that has me confused. Is this now a different PC that you're trying to connect to?


Same pc Tim.

Now when I open iTunes, I get this message ( Itunes was not properly installed. If you wish to import or burn CDs you need reinstall iTunes.)
And agin I unstall and reinstall samething .

Then if I bypass the message ^ click ok connect the iPad 2 I get the This ipad cannot be used because the required software is not installed.

What did I do wrong now ??? :(

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