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Three UK Announces iPad 3G Data Plans


Staff member

Three UK has issued a press release today announcing that it will be joining Vodafone, O2 and Orange in offering dedicated data plans for the iPad with Wi-Fi + 3G, beginning on launch day, May 28th. All plans will be contract-free, and are cheaper than the plans of Three UK’s competitors.

“Three is pleased to offer competitive data plans for iPad in the UKâ€, said Marc Allera, sales and marketing director at Three. “Our network, the largest in the country, has been optimized for mobile Internet, ensuring our customers enjoy the very best mobile performance on the iPad.â€

Three UK’s data plans are as follows: 1GB for £7.50 per month, and 10GB for £15.00 per month.

This is very good news for UK iPad owners, as Three
has a very fast mobile Internet network, probably the best in the country, and they’re always very competitive when it comes to deals, so expect lots of good offers in future.

By Maura Sutton, iPadForums.net
Source: Three UK

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