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TinyUmbrella doesn't appear to save my SHSHs


iPF Novice
I am timidly sticking my toe in the water here. I decided I wanted to back up my blobs. I installed TinyUmbrella and launched it. I can see my iPad 2 (v 4.31) connected. When I click Save SHSH, nothing appears to happen. The log says it found 0 files to cache.

Where am I going wrong?

Make sure tiny is 4 30 05, then make sure iOS version 4.3.1. Not sure if it has to be jailbroken or not, but if it still don't work, jailbreak and try again.
Mattmilw said:
I am timidly sticking my toe in the water here. I decided I wanted to back up my blobs. I installed TinyUmbrella and launched it. I can see my iPad 2 (v 4.31) connected. When I click Save SHSH, nothing appears to happen. The log says it found 0 files to cache.

Where am I going wrong?


You are doing nothing wrong. The only SHSH you can get at the moment is 4.3.2 but TinyU needs a wee update to grab those. The update is expected out in the next 24 hours. Don't be put off! Its just the dev is very busy at the mo! Try again later.
So here is the deal. At the mo I'm installing, well reinstalling, cydia stuff and apps. I have two iPhones already setup and configured for 4.3.1, and an iPad. I have SHSH saved for those.

But here is the deal. If I'll be able to get SHSH for 4.3.2 in a few days, should I go through updating to 4.3.2 and getting SHSH and then downgrading to 4.3.1 for untethered jb? Should I do it now? Or should I wait for an untethered 4.3.2 jb and do it then?
gray_mouse said:
So here is the deal. At the mo I'm installing, well reinstalling, cydia stuff and apps. I have two iPhones already setup and configured for 4.3.1, and an iPad. I have SHSH saved for those.

But here is the deal. If I'll be able to get SHSH for 4.3.2 in a few days, should I go through updating to 4.3.2 and getting SHSH and then downgrading to 4.3.1 for untethered jb? Should I do it now? Or should I wait for an untethered 4.3.2 jb and do it then?

You haven't read the FAQ sticky, have you? :) Question 11 covers this.
You can save SHSH for 4.3.2 without having to have it installed. Getting SHSH is nothing to do with what's installed, it's just what Apple is signing at the moment.
The only problem is TU needs an update (being released very soon) to let you save 4.3.2. Just wait for that.
Plz confirm:

in iSHSHit from Cydia it says it's able to save 4.3.2 SHSH, but when you select 4.3.2 from program's options it can't save SHSH for 4.3.2.. Though I was able to save 4.3.1 SHSH.
gray_mouse said:
Plz confirm:

in iSHSHit from Cydia it says it's able to save 4.3.2 SHSH, but when you select 4.3.2 from program's options it can't save SHSH for 4.3.2.. Though I was able to save 4.3.1 SHSH.

Untick the option for "via Cydia". You get your 4.3.2 straight from Apple...

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